I apologize to anyone that I ever said something bad to,
I tend to forget that the game should be played for fun, even though I'm a competitive person,
And I just really don't like losing. Though, I'm 23 years old and it's so out of place to get frustrated the way I do at some point,
Whether it be Pking, Staking or getting PvM drops. It just shouldn't happen.
My other usernames:
- Sixth Sensei
- Egosolus
- 2muchsauce
So, whoever can recall me acting like a complete idiot just because :
I couldn't kill you Pking, you got a PvM drop or you won Staking.
(Whatever reason that got me so frustrated)
I'd like to say I'm sorry, I'm aware of this and I always feel like a complete mug after it happens..
Had to make a topic about it! Get it out of my system.