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    Junior Member
    Dec 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Muscle View Post
    - Adamant gloves for 1 defence pures. We had it before and it is more optimal than the Regen Bracelet.

    - Dangerous Clan wars option. Clans can fight 1 Vs 1 rather than getting crashed by another clan in the wilderness.

    - Fixed combining Potions doses. You cannot combine 1, 2, or 3 doses together. Would benefit wildy fights when looting food and clan wars fights.

    - Nerf Custom Loadout. Returning is too quick on this game and doesn't leave provide opportunity for counter play in strategy for wilderness fights.

    - Rest of the Cluescroll Reward Items: Ankout Outfit, Mummy Outfit, Samurai Outfit, Robes Of Darkness, Bloodhound Pet, & 3rd Age tools. More cosmetics and reason to vote for rewards like clue scrolls to obtain these items or U Points.

    - Autocasting for Staff Of The Dead. Makes it easier for magers to just auto-freeze like the Staff Of Light on the old popular version of Battlescape.

    - Runecrafting Robes, Rogue outfit from thieving.

    - Fix the delayed combat system like dds switching and the special bar not being able to click immediately like on old BS. The system is about 1 second delayed it feels.

    - Augory & Rigour allowed for 1 defence. Would make more people buy it and make the economy better as well as warring.

    - Agility - Right now marks of grace provide no use. Make use for the Marks of grace, maybe a cosmetic shop to spend the marks on.
    HELL NO to the autocasting on staff of the dead, its op enough let them click-cast

  2. Offline
    Dec 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Luna View Post
    eating / brew mechanics should have their delay reduced so you can eat more in smaller times in response to influx of OP ass items like ACB and elder maul etc
    good point

    Quote Originally Posted by GORDONRAMSAY View Post
    I led the best matched pure clan on this game (the golden era of clanning).

  3. Offline
    Iron Fist Your Bum
    Sep 2016
    10 Year Veteran
    Quote Originally Posted by iwhisper View Post
    find a way to get edge poking active
    We're working on it but we're definitely open to ideas. As it is, Edgeville PKing without any BM streak boosts or target kills, only requires 50 kills to afford an AGS. Right now 50 kills is a lot due to no PKers, but if Edgeville was even slightly active it doesn't seem like 50 kills would be that bad.

  4. Offline
    Junior Member
    Dec 2016
    More graphics options

    There are only two ways to influence human behavior:
    you can manipulate it or you can inspire it.

  5. Offline
    Oct 2016
    Skills. Max cape.

  6. Offline
    Junior Member
    Jan 2017
    - Skill capes for cosmetics since it's so basic and not on the servers.

    - Max cape sounds good.

    - Rest of the skills - Crafting, Fletch, Mining, Smithing, WC, Firemaking,

    - Kalphite Queen Boss, Kraken boss, Pets for both as well.

    Quote Originally Posted by Skankhunt42 View Post
    you wanna know something funny

    ur ranks beg us to help team on immortality

    bet u didnt kno tht [irrelevant member]@Pro L 0 L 0 L

  7. Offline
    Junior Member
    Dec 2016
    id like to see a few things that would make my time in the game more enjoyable
    -crystal key chest
    -mark of grace shop
    -woodcutting and another skill we can farm now that im maxed its getting boring
    -as you might know i love to collect items i have every t and g set and god armours id like to see more random items in shops like differnet color boots and gloves maybe even robes and masks, i love to dress up in differnet outfits and just stroll around battlescape
    -i dont pk much but i do have a pure void account and would love to have the cannon back in the game thats also another monster for slayer
    -and lastly i would love to see rares party hat, h masks santas idc how u bring them into the game just as long as u do eventually
    -skill capes and max cape too!

  8. Offline
    Junior Member
    Dec 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Luna View Post
    delete this
    want perm on trips?

  9. Offline
    Junior Member
    Jan 2017
    - Adamant gloves for 1 defence pures. We had it before and it is more optimal than the Regen Bracelet.

    - Dangerous Clan wars option. Clans can fight 1 Vs 1 rather than getting crashed by another clan in the wilderness.

    - Fixed combining Potions doses. You cannot combine 1, 2, or 3 doses together. Would benefit wildy fights when looting food and clan wars fights.

    - Nerf Custom Loadout. Returning is too quick on this game and doesn't leave provide opportunity for counter play in strategy for wilderness fights.

    - Rest of the Cluescroll Reward Items: Ankout Outfit, Mummy Outfit, Samurai Outfit, Robes Of Darkness, Bloodhound Pet, & 3rd Age tools. More cosmetics and reason to vote for rewards like clue scrolls to obtain these items or U Points.

    - Autocasting for Staff Of The Dead. Makes it easier for magers to just auto-freeze like the Staff Of Light on the old popular version of Battlescape.

    - Runecrafting Robes, Rogue outfit from thieving.

    - Fix the delayed combat system like dds switching and the special bar not being able to click immediately like on old BS. The system is about 1 second delayed it feels.

    - Augory & Rigour allowed for 1 defence. Would make more people buy it and make the economy better as well as warring.

    - Agility - Right now marks of grace provide no use. Make use for the Marks of grace, maybe a cosmetic shop to spend the marks on.

    - Skill capes for cosmetics since it's so basic and not on the servers.

    - Max cape sounds good.

    - Rest of the skills - Crafting, Fletch, Mining, Smithing, WC, Firemaking,

    - Kalphite Queen Boss, Kraken boss, Pets for both as well.

    Quote Originally Posted by Skankhunt42 View Post
    you wanna know something funny

    ur ranks beg us to help team on immortality

    bet u didnt kno tht [irrelevant member]@Pro L 0 L 0 L

  10. Offline
    Junior Member
    Oct 2016
    Add incentives to pk

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