So the server has a pretty decent player base right now but something that is threatening the server greatly is the amount of high-end items coming into the game. If you look at the price guide we have on forums you can see that nearly every single item on it has dropped within the past few weeks. There is a ton of boss items coming into the game literally every hour. I've been online today for less than an hour and have seen 2 bandos chestplates, tassets, a sotd, armadyl chest and more items be dropped. The economy is going to get worse and nobody will be able to buy / sell things in the server, and pvming which is basically all everyone does will become more and more worthless. If anyone has any ideas of how to clean up some of these items then please post them below and hopefully we can find a solution.

Edit: Either that, or make gwd bosses droprate harder, they seem way too common right now.