1. My List of fixes/updates that need to come in the game.  - 05-06-2017 #1

    Apr 2017
    These are what i think should be added/fixed in the game:

    1. Poison timers: Antivenom should provide 8minutes of poison protection and antivenom+ should provide 12minutes, like they do in osrs.[have not tested other pots but these give u poison immunity for like 30s or something ]

    2. Killing monsters inside the GWD boss rooms should provide kc just like it does in 07, and using the teleport option should teleport you outside the boss room instead of home.

    3. Relog to lose TB: At the moment if you get teleblocked and relog you will instantly lose the effect. It should be so when you relog either you have the same time left on the teleblock or make it so it starts your teleblock time again.

    4. Killing Callisto with tridents: This should not be possible considering its mage defence is 900. The best part is that you get faster kills using a trident than with full veracs. Also take less damage. = https://gyazo.com/d011bedeeeaab8f4a01d2b87dc58a406
    callisto def.png

    5. Dropping items in the wilderness: This has been discussed multiple times. My opinion is that if you bring something in the wilderness its your risk and you should not have the option to drop items that are worth a certain amount in the wilderness, so that it would denie the possibility of dropping your risk on telespot and teleporting back to loot it.

    6. Last teleport option on wizard: Make it so you can right click the wizard and select last teleport option. [Quality of life update]

    7. Bounty hunter target location: The location of your target should be refreshed every 30s. At the moment your target might show that its in lvl-3 wild but when you teleport to him he is at 50's multi, Or make it so that it updates every time the wilderness level of your target changes 5-10 levels.[ALSO MAKE IT SO IT SHOWS IF HE IS IN SAFE AREA! ''SAFE'']

    8. New forum section:
    Add a new forum section, where it is possible to make a thread that EVERY staff team member can view. [Private thread but that only staff team members can view]

    9. Trading to other accounts: This should be updated imo. You should be able to trade stuff yourself to your own account. It would also help the staff team considering they would not be bugged with pm's asking them to xfer gear. I do not know why it has been placed, possible rwt denie or what?.

    10. New rares: The new rares obtainable by killing people in the wilderness should be made tradeable. [ atleast Black Santa is not]

    11. Youtuber rank and Member rank upgrades:
    Youtuber ranks should be added, you should be able to applie for a youtuber rank. The requirments should be something like 5-10 QUALITY vids or 5-10k views so it would not be handed out easy. Youtuber rank should include all the perks member rank currently gives and show a youtube sign infront of your name in the in-game chat. Also make it so youtubers and Members could Yell every 5-10minutes. Giving them a chance of promoting their streams / channels without spamming help CC. Abuse of the ::yell command should lead in the disabling of the ::yell on that account.

    12. Member Rank improvements:
    More benefits should be added to the member rank! At the moment it does not provide any benefits to player killers. Maybe add a 15% boost of blood money obtained per kill, also make it so the restoration pool at edge restores special attack for members.

    13. Killstreak boost: Obtaining a high killstreak should boost the amount of blood money you get per kill. Like 10-15% every 10 kills. Example: 10+ killstreak = 9k bm per kill , 20+ = 10-11k per kill. [ i do not know how the blood money drop is estimated atm.]

    14. Smtihing requirment:
    The smithing requirment in making a godsword should be disabled.

    15. Risk in the wilderness: This should be changed. A player that has void,glory,dboots,armadyl crossbow,15 d bolts, multiple potions and loads of sharks in the inventory should provide blood money when killed. [ https://gyazo.com/4aa6c9ec0001b0c4079ac75011762e20 ]

    16. Bank search overlay: If you search something in your bank and close the bank, the search overlay stays. [ https://gyazo.com/43671e18e78ca925d60a5f49dafdec7e ]

    17. Chaos Fanatic agro range: The agro range of the chaos fanatic should be fixed. At the moment it will keep attacking you all the to the KBD gate. [ https://gyazo.com/4c48791b3bc87dfb81a103872273e6ad ]

    18. Goat Boat: The user ''Goat Boat'' should be promoted to admin :]


    19. Fix pirate hut and axe hut: The pirate and axe hut in the deep wilderness need to be fixed. The monsters inside are meant to be agro which they are not atm. Its a common spot to escape if getting tbed in deep wilderness.

    I hope paladino takes a look at my suggestions, also would like to get feed back and your opinions on them.
    Last edited by Goat Boat; 05-08-2017 at 06:49 AM.

  2. Offline
    Dec 2016

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    Senior Member
    Sep 2016
    Don't see a point in changing the gwd tele.

    Teleblock logout on Osrs= world hop which isn't an option on here so I disagree with that.

    Callisto is doable with trident in osrs unless they changed it..?

    YouTube rank shouldn't get any ingame additions.

    Dropping items in the wild is a thing in osrs. Freeze block them lol..

    15 that should be 76k risk..?
    Last edited by K; 05-06-2017 at 03:16 PM.

  4. Offline
    Dec 2016
    where my #1hybrid rank??

    But yea fix xfering,make bounty hunter interface an option plsss

  5. Offline
    Apr 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Casey View Post
    Don't see a point in changing the gwd tele.

    Teleblock logout on Osrs= world hop which isn't an option on here so I disagree with that.

    Callisto is doable with trident in osrs unless they changed it..?

    YouTube rank shouldn't get any ingame additions.

    Dropping items in the wild is a thing in osrs. Freeze block them lol..

    15 that should be 76k risk..?
    Callisto got patched over 3 years ago, also if u see in the gif i did not get any blood money from the kill. That was a test kill, ive killed multiple people with similar inventories and not gona blood money. This is not osrs everything does not need to be similar or the same. Considering there is no teleport wizard teleporting u to so many locations on osrs, and that you do not need tabs or runes to teleport to those locations, it should be made so that u cannot drop valuables while in combat.

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    Apr 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Silakka View Post
    where my #1hybrid rank??

    But yea fix xfering,make bounty hunter interface an option plsss
    i would not go as far as saying #1 hybrid, but a good hybrid i agree with. Also u can already disable the interface by talking with the dude in edge.

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    Sep 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Goat Boat View Post
    Callisto got patched over 3 years ago, also if u see in the gif i did not get any blood money from the kill. That was a test kill, ive killed multiple people with similar inventories and not gona blood money. This is not osrs everything does not need to be similar or the same. Considering there is no teleport wizard teleporting u to so many locations on osrs, and that you do not need tabs or runes to teleport to those locations, it should be made so that u cannot drop valuables while in combat.
    Ah if that's the case then I do agree with Callisto.
    As for the void it should be changed to be over the risk threshold to receive blood money.
    Teleport wise was fine when you had to have the runes or purchase tabs from the gen store, not entirely sure why that was changed.
    Still disagree with not being able to drop items.
    Last edited by K; 05-06-2017 at 03:32 PM.

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    Sep 2009
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    Xferring works the way it's supposed to. If your company gives you a new IP everyday or week, then it voids out that both your accounts are regisstered under the same IP.

    I can manually fix it if that's the case but it's not changing due to the hackers. It helps us track them down faster the way it is.

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    Apr 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Casey View Post
    Ah if that's the case then I do agree with Callisto.
    As for the void it should be changed to be over the risk threshold to receive blood money.
    Teleport wise was fine when you had to have the runes or purchase tabs from the gen store, not entirely sure why that was changed.
    Still disagree with not being able to drop items.
    most likely a quality of life update by paladino. IMO it should take money from ur bank when teleporting to certain locations like the wilderness.[50k a teleport?] or then just buy tabs or runes to teleport with urself.

  10. Offline
    Apr 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Alex View Post
    Xferring works the way it's supposed to. If your company gives you a new IP everyday or week, then it voids out that both your accounts are regisstered under the same IP.

    I can manually fix it if that's the case but it's not changing due to the hackers. It helps us track them down faster the way it is.
    Ah ok good to know, is it possible to have a option to disable it from a account if i ask for it? I take full responsibility if i get hacked. [add a option on forums to disable it, but you have to wait for a week for it to happen?]

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