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    Dec 2023

    Vials of Water
    MOST of your potions require vials of water to be mixed with a herb, although there are a few exceptions like "Bastion potion" that uses a Vial of Blood instead . The Skill store trader will sell vials of water to you for 25 gold each

    Useful Item:
    Amulet of Chemistry
    The amulet of chemistry makes the loss of training Herblore slightly less if you do not have the "Mix Master" relic. Every time you create a potion, there is a 5% chance it turns into a four-dose.

    Weekend events (enabled at 8:00 AM server time) provide a 1.25x experience boost
    10% to all experience gained inside Donator Zone
    10% to all experience gained for 12 hours after using ::vote
    On occasion, you will get a Herblore daily skilling task. Completing this task will grant a nice chunk of xp in Herblore. The higher your donator rank is, the more skilling tasks you are offered.

    Spoiler for Stores and more:
    GE pawn shop (non-iron/bronzeman)
    Location: Inside of ::home bank, speak with the Grand Exchange clerk and select "pawn shop".
    This is a quick and fast way to collect massive amounts of herbs if you are not ironman or bronzeman! Players sell their herbs here for quick cash.
    Example (not accurate):

    Herblore Secondaries and seed exchange - Skill store keeper

    Here you will find all the basic secondaries you will need while training herblore.
    The skill store keeper also allows players to exchange seeds for the corresponding herb (grimy).
    Ironman and Bronzeman tips:
    You can obtain a lot of herblore seeds from Firemaking crates, the more you stack up the better. Firemaking can be slow paced without the production speedster relic, but usually gives 1-3 crates per inventory when using a bonfire.
    Another great way to obtain herblore seeds is obviously by pickpocketing the Master Farmer (38 Thieving).
    Bronzeman can buy whatever they obtain from Grand Exchange after obtaining it (excluding pawn shop), which would make it easier to ask other players to sell you herbs or secondaries to your shop.

    West of home bank
    South east of home bank in the "Skilling hut"
    Donator zone north of the fishing area

    Bob Barter (herbs)
    In this store, you will be able to exchange your grimy herbs to clean herbs for a small fee.
    You can also exchange 1 vial of water, 1 clean herb for the corresponding (unf) pot. This will also cost a small fee of gp.

    Donator zone north of the fishing spot next to the Skill store trader
    Southeast of home bank in the "Skilling hut"

    Spoiler for Reccomended levelling guide:

    You must reach level 3 in Herblore to be able to make your first potion.

    1-38 - Clean grimy herbs
    Cleaning grimy herbs is a fast way to blast through those early levels of Herblore. It's also required to clean a few herbs for 3 herblore to make your first potion.
    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ____________________________

    3-38 - Attack potions
    AVERAGE EXP / HR [No bonuses applied]
    X5 EXP: 312.5K XP / HR
    X20 EXP: 1.2M XP / HR

    Guam leaf & eye of newt
    Reasoning behind this; herb is fast paced. You shouldn't focus much on every potion for early levels.
    You are able to buy eye of newt from the Skill store trader for a cheap price, easily supplying you for 38 Herblore.

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ____________________________

    38-(55/63) - Prayer potions
    AVERAGE EXP / HR [No bonuses applied]
    X5 EXP RATE: 1.1M XP / HR
    X20 EXP RATE: 4.4M XP / HR

    Ranarr weed & Snape grass
    For low to mid level Ironmen needing Ranarr weeds, it is still a relatively low level herb and drops from basic monsters like Chaos Druids and Aberrant Spectres.
    If you're a regular player, you can find Rannar weed in the pawn shop or buy it from other players.

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ____________________________

    55-72 - Super strength (cheaper alternative)
    AVERAGE EXP / HR [No bonuses applied]
    X5 EXP RATE: 1.56M XP / HR
    X20 EXP RATE: 6.25M XP / HR

    Kwuarm & Limpwurt root

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ____________________________

    63-72 - Super restore
    AVERAGE EXP / HR [No bonuses applied]
    X5 EXP RATE: 1.78M XP / HR
    X20 EXP RATE: 7.12M XP / HR

    Snapdragon & Red spiders' eggs
    This will be more expensive due to the price of snapdragons

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ____________________________

    72-76 - Ranging potion
    AVERAGE EXP / HR [No bonuses applied]
    X5 EXP RATE: 2M XP / HR
    X20 EXP RATE: 8M XP / HR

    Dwarf weed & Wine of Zamorak

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ____________________________

    76-(81/99) - Magic potion
    AVERAGE EXP / HR [No bonuses applied]
    X5 EXP RATE: 2.156M XP / HR
    X20 EXP RATE: 8.625M XP / HR

    Lantadyme & Potato cactus

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ____________________________

    81-99 - Saradomin brews
    AVERAGE EXP / HR [No bonuses applied]
    X5 EXP RATE: 2.25M XP / HR
    X20 EXP RATE: 9M XP / HR

    Toadflax & Crushed nest
    Saradomin brews are basically the fastest option for grinding out 99 at this point. Your hourly exp rate won't go much higher.
    Bird's nests are fairly common drops while cutting trees, but cost a hefty amount in the Skill trader store for the pre-crushed nests.
    The advantage to Woodcutting for this particular potion, you can obtain the nests by exchanging your bird eggs in; as well as 25k or 100k gp depending on your game mode.
    That will give you more seed nests to empty on top of the egg nests you just emptied and the exchange rate for non-crushed nests to crushed nests is only 50 gold in the Skill trader store

    Spoiler for Congratulations on achieving level 99 in Herblore!:
    Once you have achieved level 99 in the skill Herblore, teleport back to home and speak to Mac to claim your skillcape!

    Last edited by Kot; 01-14-2025 at 12:55 AM.

  2. Offline
    Junior Member
    Sep 2024
    goated guide thank you sir !

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