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    Junior Member
    Mar 2024
    We should add an option or interface somewhere in or around the Chambers area where you can select a "scale" for the raid if entering as a solo. Seeing as how it's 725k points for a guaranteed purple, that would essentially be *rough estimation* about 15-20 alts needed to scale for that many points. Doing a solo+20 would probably take an hour+ with max gear, longer without BIS. I don't believe this would impact the eco *in theory* considering that scaling of this magnitude is already possible and could be done with multiple people resulting in a faster completion time than a solo would do. But having an option for a solo to choose this method would bring an elite and well worth challenge.

    Some people might say "That sounds too op for someone to guaranty a purple every raid". *Which is technically already possible* But making this an option for *solo only* would make attempting this a big commitment and extremely time consuming. As well as requiring an elite level of skill to complete. But for those of us elite tier solo enjoyers it would bring a refreshing excitement to the raid.

    The amount of scale could be set from +1 through +20 ( or whatever amount would be needed to guaranty 725k points ) So for those solo players who don't want to do a +20, could instead choose to do a +5 or +10 if they wanted.

    All in all, adding something like this would make the solo life a higher quality.
    Last edited by Killuazoldyc; 1 Week Ago at 06:37 PM.


  2. Offline
    Junior Member
    Mar 2024
    In a normal solo I get 45k points on a deathless. so 725k divided by 45k is 16.1 and some change, effectively making the drop rate 1/16. I can do 7-8 min solos, so take 16 times 8 minutes =128 minutes, making hitting your drop rate a little over 2 hours, a raid scaled for 725k points as a solo would take over an hour. possibly "well over" an hour, so there's not much of an impact from a method like this.

    And I would personally volunteer to do the testing runs of it in beta, seeing as how it would be a big-time commitment to test something like this.
    Last edited by Killuazoldyc; 1 Week Ago at 06:52 PM.


  3. Offline
    Apr 2020
    The whole system of scaling is that it requires time and accounts to set up, simply allowing you to choose a scale for something like this when the raid has already been made easier and is let's be honest, cox is barely a challenging bit of content, would just be making the raid easier and require less effort to set up.

    If scaling was ever to be introduced would be capped at 3-5 max, and should be applied to "full" raids.

    Things that would be more beneficial to the game overall would include adding the missing parts of content with the raid itself, including attacks and mechanics. Developing and working on the challenge mode version of the raid, in which you would be rewarded more points for completing the harder full version of the raid and overall would be more beneficial.


  4. Offline
    Junior Member
    Aug 2024
    Probably not worth the time trying to implement this when it benefits such a small population of players. Also, as someone who solos a lot of my cox runs, I much prefer doing ~16 8 minute solos than a hour+ run for a purple.


  5. Offline
    Junior Member
    Mar 2024
    Well if including "missing parts of content" is the end goal, Im fairly sure osrs has a self scaling system as well, so wouldnt this fall under that catagory? even if being that its made for groups aswell as solos


  6. Offline
    Apr 2020
    Osrs doesn't have olm only.

    Missing mechanics is what i was getting at in regards to the parts of content regarding it, and boss mechanics / missing bosses within the raid.

    You can still scale cox with alts, we have no intentions of adding scaling and the scaling like mentioned would be for solo players if it was ever added, if you are in groups there is no real reason you can't jump on alts if you want to scale.

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