Honestly, it is kinda inconsistent. Remember this is supposed to be very risky, so a worthy reward should be given. (Adjustments can be done later, this is only my opinion)
I'd try this instead:
Most damage has a chance to get: Armadyl chestplate, Saradomin tear, primordial boots, amulet of fury, dharok's legs, torag's body, occult necklace, mage's book, abyssal whip, infinity top, infinity bottom, 100 saradomin brews, 200 dark crabs, 100 super restores, 100 stamina potions.
Second most damage: Armadyl helm, trident of the seas, ahrim's robetop, ahrim's bottom, dharok's greataxe, master wand, infinity boots, karil's robetop, karil's crossbow, pegasian boots, 75 saradomin brews, 150 dark crabs, 75 super restores, 75 stamina potions.
Third most damage: karil's bottom, dharok's helm, abyssal whip, eternal boots, godsword shard 1, godsword shard 2, godsword shard 3, dark bow, infinity hat, verac's skirt, tyrannical ring, 50 saradomin brews, 100 dark crabs, 50 super restores, 50 stamina potions.
Fourth most damage: verac's helm, kraken tentacle, dharok's platebody, ahrim's hood, dark bow, treasonous ring, infinity bottom, dragon boots, torag's platebody, godsword shard 1, godsword shard 2, godsword shard 3, 50 saradomin brews, 50 dark crabs, 30 super restores, 30 stamina potions.
Also, will everyone get a certain amount of BM depending on how much damage they did? Or will everyone who gets a drop get the same amount?
EDIT: I have noticed I read the post wrong, I thought you were showing some sort of drop table, my apologies.