Quote Originally Posted by 2020 View Post
Yeah we didn't make it that way, it's just how it is on OSRS as well... sorry fella. Since it's mainly for tele to target it's going to stay in BH shop.
I mean I get that, but we can add items to shops. Being this is a private server, it does make sense. Also, for blood money, the only way to gain it is thru slayer and/or donating, whereas; if you want PKers to come to the server, skilling isn't the way. I'm a PKer, never been into skilling nor PVM. Specifically PVP. It's good to add PVP updates to promote PKing on the server, it will draw others in for a spot to hop on, gain stats quickly, and PK. Just like the old days of Battlescape. When PKers existed on the server because the server was designed to be more PKIng related, it was pulling upwards of 2000 online at once. Now you're lucky to see the same 3-6 people at rev caves teaming in multi who can't 1vs1 for nothing. We're speaking on adding a magic sack to a shop to buy for coins. It isn't anything that can't be done, just because it's that way on OSRS - the PKing scene on Battlescape isn't thriving or anything. Even the teleport to bounty scroll to me is kind of a rip off, being you'd have to grind slayer past 90+ slayer to get the scroll and/or pay via USD or digital currency, and be lucky to even get a target to teleport to in the wilderness.