1. Can we add blighted teleport blockspell sacks to magic shop?  - 07-12-2024 #1

    Junior Member
    Nov 2016
    Can we add blighted teleport block spell sacks to magic shop? Currently there is nowhere to buy them, and the grand exchange nobody sells them.
    Only way to collect them is at rev caves.
    Last edited by Kaz; 07-13-2024 at 02:03 PM.

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    Senior Moderator
    Senior Moderator
    Sep 2021
    You can buy them from the emblem trader east of home bank for blood money - after you unlock the bounty hunter teleport via the scroll.


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    Junior Member
    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Ipoy View Post
    You can buy them from the emblem trader east of home bank for blood money - after you unlock the bounty hunter teleport via the scroll.

    blighted teleport block sacks? what would you need the bounty teleport for? they should be in the magic shop like the other blighted sacks for coins in my opinon.
    PS: think I forgot to add "block" after teleport hahaha. Edited to adjust "blighted teleport block sacks"
    Last edited by Kaz; 07-13-2024 at 02:04 PM.

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    Senior Member
    Jan 2022
    The teleport sacks in the BH shop are used for tele block AND teleport to target spells.

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    Junior Member
    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by 2020 View Post
    The teleport sacks in the BH shop are used for tele block AND teleport to target spells.
    ehhhh, oh....kinda lame....
    should just put blighted teleport block spells in magic shop just like any other blighted magic sacks.

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    Senior Member
    Jan 2022
    Yeah we didn't make it that way, it's just how it is on OSRS as well... sorry fella. Since it's mainly for tele to target it's going to stay in BH shop.

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    Junior Member
    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by 2020 View Post
    Yeah we didn't make it that way, it's just how it is on OSRS as well... sorry fella. Since it's mainly for tele to target it's going to stay in BH shop.
    I mean I get that, but we can add items to shops. Being this is a private server, it does make sense. Also, for blood money, the only way to gain it is thru slayer and/or donating, whereas; if you want PKers to come to the server, skilling isn't the way. I'm a PKer, never been into skilling nor PVM. Specifically PVP. It's good to add PVP updates to promote PKing on the server, it will draw others in for a spot to hop on, gain stats quickly, and PK. Just like the old days of Battlescape. When PKers existed on the server because the server was designed to be more PKIng related, it was pulling upwards of 2000 online at once. Now you're lucky to see the same 3-6 people at rev caves teaming in multi who can't 1vs1 for nothing. We're speaking on adding a magic sack to a shop to buy for coins. It isn't anything that can't be done, just because it's that way on OSRS - the PKing scene on Battlescape isn't thriving or anything. Even the teleport to bounty scroll to me is kind of a rip off, being you'd have to grind slayer past 90+ slayer to get the scroll and/or pay via USD or digital currency, and be lucky to even get a target to teleport to in the wilderness.
    Last edited by Kaz; 07-14-2024 at 03:12 PM.

  8. Online
    Apr 2020
    Hello again Kaz,

    If you refer to our conversation on your last thread regarding the BH Teleport Scroll, Bloodmoney can be obtained in a wide variety of ways, including PKing.

    The reason the Blighted Teleport Sacks won't be added to the normal stores is for several reasons, here are a few:
    - The sacks require a prerequisite (scroll) to be used for the tele to target.
    - The sacks are one of the most sought after pk items, for ease of use amongst the spellbooks, putting a price on these isn't something I would consider as they would be north of 100k each.
    - Certain items like the teleport sacks and scrolls which are pvp focused are locked behind pvp currency, it's just there are bonus ways to unlock this currency.

    Comparing RSPS's to over 12 years ago when Battlescape had thousands of players, there are many factors of why this was the case, RSPS's are have evolved to focus on each of their owns stable playerbase, our focus have moved from a PvP orientated to drive more PvE & PvM compared to 2010-12 era. During these times there was also plenty of unlocks you had to grind for to achieve. We have in recent times dealt with the wilderness being highly active, you should have been here as I'm sure you would have enjoyed those months.
    Last edited by 2020; 07-14-2024 at 03:59 PM.

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    Junior Member
    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Xei View Post
    Hello again Kaz,

    If you refer to our conversation on your last thread regarding the BH Teleport Scroll, Bloodmoney can be obtained in a wide variety of ways, including PKing.

    The reason the Blighted Teleport Sacks won't be added to the normal stores is for several reasons, here are a few:
    - The sacks require a prerequisite (scroll) to be used for the tele to target.
    - The sacks are one of the most sought after pk items, for ease of use amongst the spellbooks, putting a price on these isn't something I would consider as they would be north of 100k each.
    - Certain items like the teleport sacks and scrolls which are pvp focused are locked behind pvp currency, it's just there are bonus ways to unlock this currency.

    Comparing RSPS's to over 12 years ago when Battlescape had thousands of players, there are many factors of why this was the case, RSPS's are have evolved to focus on each of their owns stable playerbase, our focus have moved from a PvP orientated to drive more PvE & PvM compared to 2010-12 era. During these times there was also plenty of unlocks you had to grind for to achieve. We have in recent times dealt with the wilderness being highly active, you should have been here as I'm sure you would have enjoyed those months.
    What about blighted teleport block sacks? Just to teleport block someone so they can't insta teleport? They currently do drop at rev caves when killing rev's but not as often as I'd hope for. I do see them for blood money in the BH shop, but didn't understand why not just have them in the magic shop with the other blighted magic sacks (ancients, entangle, etc, literally the only one missing from the magic shop is the blighted teleport block sacks which is very handy for PKing in the rare occasion of spotting someone deep enough in the wilderness. As well, the PVP community I believe is what thrives to make the server become larger, going from 250-290ish players at once to maybe even at-least 500+ in peak hours, which is why BS had the thousands of players back then. The majority was PKing which seemed to be like 24/7 haha.

    PS: Thanks for the prompt response my brother.
    Last edited by Kaz; 07-14-2024 at 04:43 PM.

  10. Online
    Apr 2020
    You seem to not be getting that there is no such item as the "blighted teleport block sack", it is a multi-functional item in that it carried the runes required for both TB and BH Tele.

    Battlescape had thousands of players because Runescape killed pvp and Battlescape catered to the void that had been made, this wasn't something that lasted. It's futile to try and compare the game to that of something over a decade old as not only has the core game changed, but the needs, wants and playerbase itself have moved on too.

    PvP is not the be all and end all of any game, as mentioned we have had the server last year at 600+ daily for months during peak with a PvP focused & driven concept but it is not something that is sustainable due to the fast moving playerbase on rsps's.

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