Ironman has always been super appealing to me. Although there's 1 huge problem.... I absolutely suck at bossing! Always have from the beginning of runescape.
I then had a thought how cool would it be if there was a super easy Ironman with way over powered stats to make bossing as easy as killing a giant mole...
Problem - participating in the fight with other players that are not super easy Ironman. Jadboss tournaments.. pvp...
But then I realized there is a solution. The same way we have a lvl 1 pvp (moves player to a different height on map) the same thing could be used for super ironman keeping super ironman on a different height as every other game mode. Maybe eliminating the option for group jad all together.
Idk just an idea would be a dream for me but I'm sure like everything els it's not worth the time...
#don't delete me
#asking for a friend