1. Offline
    Junior Member
    Dec 2022
    I want to talk about what is to come for battlescape.

    I enjoy playing it as most of us do, but Im starting to get demotivated playing as there has been no real new content.
    I've also been here for a long time and i know this isnt a full time job for xei or palidino running a server, but all in all, you run it.

    It's super frustrating making online friends on here, only for them to leave a few months after. its a recurring cycle that just doesn't stop.
    It comes down to lack of bug fixing and lack of new content updates.
    It's also super concerning seeing no increase in player numbers over the last few years or so.
    The wildy is absolutely dead so it doesn't entice any pkers to come play battlescape.
    'Gap" is buggy on here as you can be gapped by 6 squares and pjed by NPC's which is mega frustrating.

    I know you released Phanton Muspah, but let's be 100% real, we appreciate it, but nobody wanted it. It's dead content, and Xei i think you secretly know that lol

    For the sake of the server, I really think (along with others i just had a discussion with) that the release of TOA or DT2 Bosses should be rushed as a priority because lets be real...
    otherwise by the time its released, there will be no one here to do it as per the player numbers dropping ...
    This is an awesome server, hense why ive been for on multiple accounts for 7 years, but my gosh.... why would someone who wants to explore a new server come here, when there are multiple others with 1,000 players online and all the new content updates. I know that's hard to hear, but be real. surely you can see what I'm Saying.

    I know this is a source of income for the owners, so making IRL money from this server is a priority for you both, thats just business, I understand that.
    But man...... you can release all the new upgraded mystery boxes and all the new UDZ zones you want, but if theres no one here then theres no one buying bonds..

    Please do not take this as a server bash, its strictly just a frustrated long time player not wanting to see this game die in the ass.......

    P.S dont ban me

  2. Online
    Apr 2020
    So first things first, you don't really know what you are talking about and have lots of assumptions, in regards to many things you have said.

    - Palidino is the sole owner/developer for the game.

    - I am but the person who's runs the day to day of the game, and a player, I make 0$ each month from Battlescape. This is a game I have played for over 14 years on and off and stepped in and up at the time to continue it's life.

    - Bugs - Yeah there are a few minor bugs here and there that get overlooked from now and again, pvp bugs / changes for example I have a list of a dozen that need implementing but again it's all as and when, we don't have the pvp base to justify spending the time on the 100s of small tweaks needed and Updates to get certain things "perfected".

    - Phantom Muspah - again, I have been over why we added this, without Muspah being added it would of meant that we likely would have needed to close the Battlescape Mobile client down, due to the older clients not being able to support the new content from OSRS, Muspah was out easier test to see if not only it would survive but if we had to make any small tweaks to keep it rather than release ToA and go... oh shit now mobile needs to be deleted, gg.

    - ToA & Other content - if you where upto date then you would know for the past few weeks we have been working on ToA, things that are such large pieces of content cannot just be "rushed out", as someone who seeing the game from all sides, should we of had ToA before now? Yes, however I fully understand and see where certian delays in this have came from more than anyone.

    - Players - I mean you saying the number of players is going down, but it's really not, sure we have end game players waiting on new content but from the average 300 online we have seen over the 30+ months of the version, we this year have been averaging 275 online, we really aren't seeing any significant decrease, so this is more of a score monger tactic than anything, I'd love to be at 400/500+ and we can get there, having one of the best core servers out there. We have seen an average of 50 players for the last 6 months of the previous server and have done nothing but develop since, we had pures come and take over the server for several months, hitting 800+ online for wars, all while making sure we looked after everyone. Most of the higher servers are all Spawn-Pk servers, full of bots and scripts much like the real game, Jamflex....

    - Smaller changes and boxes, shops ect - these are all smaller end jobs I put into the game to help with the longevity of the server, and small bits of content to help bridge over the longer time scales between larger content updates. As previously mentioned the game is over 30+ months old, prices have changed, content has changed, so these smaller things are to keep up, noone is calling these "main" updates, these are just free time coding when im feeling it. I also give 0 cares about if players are buying bonds, I'm here for the game as a player, Not to make money out of it.

    I'm on Palidino's case more than anyone, just because you don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. But there are public discussions and private.

    You have to also remember that we have lives, jobs, and other things to do too, and from time to time this leaves little to no time for the server for a short period of time. Updates, especially new and large content take 100s of hours to sort, code, check, test it's not something that is a let's copy and paste the content in.

  3. Offline
    Junior Member
    Dec 2022
    Thanks for the explanation there, Completely understood everything you said.
    We do appreciate everything you do and as mentioned, do understand you and Pali also have lives outside if BS.
    Was just after some clarification which we got.
    Thanks xei

  4. Offline
    Sep 2021
    How are the developments coming along? Haven't been on in MONTHS I zee I haven't missed anything

  5. Online
    Apr 2020
    Things are coming along at a semi-reasonable pace with other background issues being fixed as they crop up rather than having to deal with them all later regarding newer content.

    (ps 3 weeks aint MONTHS)

  6. Offline
    Sep 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by Xei View Post
    Things are coming along at a semi-reasonable pace with other background issues being fixed as they crop up rather than having to deal with them all later regarding newer content.

    (ps 3 weeks aint MONTHS)
    I miss you Xei. 3 weeks may have been the last time I logged in

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