HELPER Applications are now OPEN!

What is the new role, Helper?
The new role is essentially to replace the lengthy application process for staff, giving us physical evidence for your application in how you conduct yourself from day to day things within the game, displaying and communicating your knowledge to players and dealing with situations.

Some of the roles you will be performing:
- Helping new and existing users with questions and giving them infomation regarding problems they are facing.
- Compiling reports on issues surrounding the game that have been reported to you, or you have found (Discord).
- Providing a warm welcome to players, both new and returning.
- Maintaining discipline within Home, General and Yell chats.

To apply....
You must not:
- Have any major infractions against any of your accounts.
- Any minor infractions and mutes must be 3+ month old.
- Account share with anyone.
You must:
- Have Discord access.
- Have at least 30+ days on the server.
- Be consistently active on your account (30+ days).
- Have good knowledge of the game.
- Be consistently helpful thought your gameplay.
- Spend most of your time in Home CC, helping, encouraging ect. As an Official Helper this is a must.
- Be keen and eager to learn.
- Fill out the forms in as much detail as you can, if you cannot be bothered to put effort into a form then that sets the stage for your prospects for the new role.

- Be open and honest in your application, we know who people really are and wont tolerate poor behaviour and activity, your accounts must all be named and will be vetted and logs checked.

- Please note that we may ask for more detail on applications, if we feel like there is more we need to know prior to accepting or progressing your application for the role.

Applications can be submitted HERE

Do you have what is needed to be an Helper?