Hello. I have not played Battle-scape for a while so i'm not sure if this has been fixed in the meanwhile.
One thing i remember though is how monotome the combat was and probably still is.
Things which needed/might still need to get fixed:
Ice barrage:
The timer for when it hits the target is determined by how far you are from the target. If you are right beside the target or a few squares away, it should hit right away. When the target is far away the barrage as well as the hitmark should appear after some seconds. If you ice barrage someone and they run, then the projectile should follow them before the hitmark and barrage appears. Surely this can be seen in a lot of pk videos.
Range of melee attacks:
In battle-scape you had to get right next to the target to attack them. In OSRS you can run up to the target and your character will hit the target while he runs up to him/her, being just a few squares away. This makes for some great combos. This can also be seen in a lot of videos, such as this one: youtube.com/watch?v=hcKzc1mrb8s at 3:18, look at when he starts to dds the target, he is still a few squares away.
Another thing is, animations such as hitting someone with a staff should be fixed to the correct one. I'm not sure if it still is but it was the scimitar animation last time i played.