Hello everyone,

Recently there have been some comments and questions regarding Rule 10 - Wilderness and Ragging, Id like to clear some of the smaller issues up here.

10.a Blood Money: Boosting Kills, Emblems and Blood Money are all strictly against the rules, "Gifting free kills or Upgrades" falls under this category.

Can I trade Blood Money to my Alt account?
~ Yes, BM is recognised as a currency in game for free-trade accounts.

Can I Sell or Purchase Blood Money?
~ Yes, as mentioned above, it is a form of currency gained from doing such activities, you are able to sell this from any form of account.

Can I pay to kill, or have my friend de-gear as my target to get an upgrade?
~ NO, this would be considered boosting, you may be warned about this but a warning is not guaranteed.

Can I sell / trade / gift Bloody / Bloodier keys?
~ to a free-trade account ~ YES
~ to an Ironman / HCIM / GIM ~ NO
If any further questions needs to be touched on regarding this issue, they will be added here.