Corporeal beast has been added.
Slayer helmet coloring can now be unlocked.
Added the Amulet of glory teleport.
Abyssal tentacle protect value is now the abyssal whip and kraken tentacle combined.
Blessed saradomin sword protect value is now the saradomin sword and tear.
Made a decent few changes to following.
Added kill count display to K'ril.
Changed the global drop message color.
Moved the teleport wizard.
Skeletal Wyvern can no longer use it's dragonfire from a distance.
You will now continue to attacking people while they're teleporting (magic teleports will negate damage still).
Quick prayer mechanics now match OSRS.
Added visage to KBD's global drop messages.
Preset loadouts will no longer reset skill XP if your level doesn't change.
Added some preventitive measures when luring monsters too far from their spawn.
Lowered the Slayer XP rate multiplier from x50 to x25.
Reduced Slayer task lengths.
Updated the Zamorakian spear animations and fixed normal spear attack animations.
Added the games necklace.
Wilderness Boss Changes
Increased their aggressive range.
Adjusted Venenatis spawn spot slightly.
Callisto will no longer walk up to you.
Vet'ion's magic attack now moves slower.
Venenatis will now keep within melee distance of you.
Reduced the special attack chances.
Increased their BM drops from 500 to 1000.
Bug Fixes
Fixed attacking through objects that you shouldn't be able to.
Fixed the Dareeyak and Ghorrock teleport locations.
Fixed unfreezing when out of distance (thanks to following changes).
Fixed a bug with attacking people when you run up to them, but then being frozen and not actually reaching them.
Fixed moving from having to completely move from under a player before you start attacking.
Fixed checking the ring of recoil on the equipment stats interface.
Fixed Dharok's block animation.
Fixed logging in with private chat off.