1. Offline
    Junior Member
    Mar 2022
    ------------------ THIEVING GUIDE ------------------

    - This guide was made exactly how I have it on notepad.
    I noticed there hasn't been an updated Thieving guide yet
    & after my quick calculations, I thought I would do it real

    - The XP rates may/may not be accurate. This is because
    there was bonus experience happening at the time I made
    my calculations. Bonus XP was 1.25x.

    - Almost forgot. Difficulty was set to NORMAL. If you're
    playing on Hard and/or Elite, you can still follow this guide
    & I'll explain why towards the end. So hold fast.

    - If you're curious about how I did the calculations, I will
    create a mini guide of how to acquire those numbers at the
    end of this guide (& any future guides I create).

    - I don't know how people feel about Colors, so I am going
    to keep it mean, keep it lean, and keep it clean. Thanks.

    ------------------ LOCATION ------------------

    - If you're playing Battle-Scape w/ Runescape in mind 100%
    you have several options to how you want to level up this
    skill. But the quickest, higher profit, per hour method is to
    use the stalls directly EAST of ::HOME

    - Once you have a full inventory (all 28 slots filled), you can
    sell it to Martin Thwait, who not only bites you when you
    waste his time, but will also 1 hit you w/ a DDS as well.

    ------------------ STALL INFORMATION -----------------

    [1 - 20] CRAFTING STALL
    xp: 160
    cost: 500 gp

    [20 - 40] FOOD STALL
    item: GOLDEN POT
    xp: 520
    cost: 1000 gp

    [40 - 60] GENERAL STALL
    xp: 940
    cost: 1500 gp

    [60 - 80] MAGIC STALL
    xp: 1700
    cost: 3000 gp

    [80 - 99] SCIMITAR STALL
    xp: 3040
    cost: 6000 gp

    (again, xp rates calculated here are based on NORMAL
    difficulty, but you can still use this chart for the other
    ones TOO)

    ------------------ CALCULATIONS ------------------

    - Using complex, college educated World History skills, we can
    actually find out how much xp we're getting compared to OSRS.
    While Battle-Scape at the very beginning will tell you most of
    this information when you create your character, it's always
    good to see the numbers behind the scenes.

    ------------------ Battle-Scape vs RuneScape ------------------

    Gain XP from a tree, an ore, or a fish. Battle-Scape will tell you
    how much XP you gain per action. For this example, I will use a
    tree because it's the easiest (with Bonus XP at 1.25).

    A normal tree gave us: 625 xp

    We need to find out how much xp we really get without bonus xp.
    To do this, we use this formula: XP GAINED / BXP = NEW XP GAINED

    625 divided by 1.25 gives us 500 xp. Now that we acquired the new
    XP gained from a normal tree, we want to find out how much faster
    this is compared to RuneScape. New formula is:

    500 divided by 25 equals 20

    So we're actually running at 20x the XP rates of RuneScape. That's
    the same number provided at the beginning during character creation.


    So what if we know how to do math now, what was the point of
    telling us this?

    Easy boy easy. The point was to show that no matter what xp rate
    you choose at the start of the game, you can always find out how
    much more xp we get, with or without bonus experience in the factor.

    To some people that can be really important. And to other people they
    simply D O N O T C A R E.

    Using Rune Lite, you can see how much xp you gain per hour, etc.
    So it does all of that for you, except without telling you the real #'s
    without bonus XP there. <--- that's mostly why I explained the idea.

    If the Bonus XP gained was even higher, 2.5x or 4x you'd be even more
    curious to know the calculations added to the RuneScape default.
    To me, all this is interesting, & brings another form of fun to the game.


    If you thought this was a good read, like the simplicity of it, or thought
    my calculations were bad; tell me how you really feel down below. Wait.
    Don't hurt my feelings.

    Thank you E 420 for being the best moderator in the game. Everyone
    else should be demoted immediately. Why? PM's off, and they never reply.

    (I <3 OPPAI)
    Last edited by Louch; 04-15-2022 at 08:58 PM.

  2. Offline
    May 2017
    you could also thieve npcs, for way quicker xp.
    nice guide tho, 2/10

  3. Offline
    Junior Member
    Apr 2022
    I give credit for making this. Very awesome to see someone dedicated

  4. Offline
    🇳🇴 🇱🇮🇫🇪
    Oct 2016
    Pickpocketting is a superior method

  5. Offline
    Junior Member
    Mar 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by London View Post
    Pickpocketting is a superior method
    You're probably right. After seeing that two people have said that so far,
    I just lack the knowledge to include that in the guide.

    - - -

    in some private servers, using those stalls at home is usually the quicker
    & more benefit way to make some quick cash. Very little of the time do i
    ever see a server where pickpocketing prevails. i am assuming this would
    be the first time I get to see it be the opposite.

    - - -

    This guide will help those who are looking for that information. I know when
    I made my account, I went straight into the game while loading the forums
    to see if people even made any guides on here. Some servers don't have
    people dedicated to spend time on threads without linking videos, or 3rd-party
    guides & while the mega thread was going to include all the skills, they have
    not posted any.

    It was the quickest information to acquire. I am assume they're going to make
    or someone is going to make a pickpocket guide eventually.
    Last edited by Louch; 04-17-2022 at 10:21 AM.

  6. Offline
    Junior Member
    Apr 2022
    Ardy knights are super good at 80 w outfit

  7. Offline
    🇳🇴 🇱🇮🇫🇪
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Louch View Post
    You're probably right. After seeing that two people have said that so far,
    I just lack the knowledge to include that in the guide.

    - - -

    in some private servers, using those stalls at home is usually the quicker
    & more benefit way to make some quick cash. Very little of the time do i
    ever see a server where pickpocketing prevails. i am assuming this would
    be the first time I get to see it be the opposite.

    - - -

    This guide will help those who are looking for that information. I know when
    I made my account, I went straight into the game while loading the forums
    to see if people even made any guides on here. Some servers don't have
    people dedicated to spend time on threads without linking videos, or 3rd-party
    guides & while the mega thread was going to include all the skills, they have
    not posted any.

    It was the quickest information to acquire. I am assume they're going to make
    or someone is going to make a pickpocket guide eventually.
    I don't like stalls due to how slow they are. You can tick manipulate pickpocketting so it's faster than stalls. To the point where you don't get hit if you do it tick perfect. Also bigger xp rates per action.

    Stalls influence autoclicking, which is another downside to them.

  8. Online
    Apr 2020
    Thread could do with some improvements, and locations and alternative methods adding, The donator zone stalls grant bonus gold from selling items from the stall and the XP posted above is subject to your account.

    EXP will differ from a magnitude of things, from account type, rank, well bonuses, weekend bonuses and skilling outfits.

  9. Offline
    Junior Member
    Mar 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by Xei View Post
    Thread could do with some improvements, and locations and alternative methods adding, The donator zone stalls grant bonus gold from selling items from the stall and the XP posted above is subject to your account.

    EXP will differ from a magnitude of things, from account type, rank, well bonuses, weekend bonuses and skilling outfits.
    I'll leave it to someone else to include improvements, locations, and alternative methods to Thieving. I don't have
    donator, therefore I cannot acquire that data. If I asked someone else to provide that data, it could take more
    time for them and myself to be able to get the thread finished.

    If the global xp boost is higher than 0, I imagine that's server-wide XP boost from the well. Now if each user has
    additional xp boosts from other means, it would be very difficult to accumulate data for all kinds of variations.

    In which case, the information above is good enough to provide each user the basic calculations, the basic
    knowledge to proceed to their goals regardless of the lack of additional results not provided in this thread &
    if each individual user wishes to pursue alternative routes, it is advised that they share their results with the

    Otherwise... Is Battle-Scape community focused? Or just veteran focused?

  10. Offline
    Junior Member
    Mar 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by London View Post
    I don't like stalls due to how slow they are. You can tick manipulate pickpocketting so it's faster than stalls. To the point where you don't get hit if you do it tick perfect. Also bigger xp rates per action.

    Stalls influence autoclicking, which is another downside to them.
    The guide lacks any knowledge on tick manipulation. I've seen many users, some even friends, who have managed
    to manipulate this 'system' to gain more XP than someone who only clicks once in awhile. In the case of Thieving,
    someone who tick' manipulates, will gain more xp than someone spam clicking stalls. On top of that, we already know
    that Pickpocketing has been said to be an even better method with higher rewards attached.

    It's almost hinting to create a thread based on alternative routes to acquire the 99. That won't be up to me though.
    Surely someone who can do it, exists in the community. When all these veterans hold all this knowledge, why not
    teach others how to do it too, so that more people on Battle-Scape can be more active than just AFK'ing tokens all
    day. More people 'playing' is better than seeing a 1/3 of the community AFK like I did when I joined.

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