Updates are always posted in Discord and can be seen ingame, and here's a quick rundown. I'll start posting the updates on the forum as well going forward to make sure everyone sees them.

- Fixed agility shortcuts cancelling your opponents combat
- Fixed being able to melee Olm head
- Monsters bigger than one tile will now attempt to route to you in a straight line
- Fixed cerberus ghost attacks being wrong way around
- Added the "separate"-option to kbd heads to split it into 3 ensouled dragon heads
- Added crystal keys to the tournament store for 1 point each
- Fixed dark beast task wrongly claiming they can be found in the Catacombs of Kourend
- Fixed Metamorphic dust and Twisted Ancestral colour kits announcing wrong kc from the Chambers of Xeric
- Fixed adding ancient d'hide to the treasure chests
- Fixed loadouts not saving the empty spots in your inventory
- Fixed the displayed value of emblems from the emblem trader
- Added the daily run restore/1 minute stamina buff to the agility and max cape
- Fixed Adamant and Rune dragons and Cyclops from walking on top of each others
- Redid the well to have the boost change every hour, and added new boosts to the well
- Fixed slayer tasks sometimes giving you a task to kill 0 enemies
- Added a free clue solve per day to Watson for everyone, and one extra solve per donator rank
- Reduced Chambers of Xerics death penalty based on donator rank
- Buffed the chance to get a boss task by 5% for everyone
- Added a small buff to superior slayer monster spawn chance for each donor rank
- Added crafting of slayer rings
- Fixed Shayzien armour interfering with Ava's equipment
- Fixed Shayzien armour not making you immune to Lizardman shaman poison
- Made some npc's attackable that were not before, like the Knights of Ardougne
- Fixed Tekton's attack speed

- Double xp has been disabled
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused poison immunity
- 99 combat stats announce again
- Added a toggle to disable login security, and made it off by default
- Adjusted death buyback to the same as OSRS (5%)
- Fixed making adamant arrows
- Formated some commands and added explanations to all of them
- Fixed same tile following for magic
- Separated seed nest tables from Wyson seed nest tables
- Fixed teleporting with slayer ring while it's equipped
- Fixed tektons attack speed being twice as slow as on osrs
- Fixued an issue where sometimes a boss task had 0 quantity assigned
- Fixed Chambers of Xeric item announcement and it includes the killcount now aswell
- Changed the wrong message saying inventory is full when depositing items to a full bank
- Made Godwars dungeon minion respawning work the same way as on osrs
- Added firelighters to clues
- Finished redoing the pet color system
- Added Phoenix pet recoloring
- Fixed Cerberus ghost animations
- Added in a message explaining how to fill a bullseye lantern when operating the Fractionalizing still
- Also made it so that you can use a empty bullseye lantern on the Lamp oil still to fill it
- Fixed some items being tradeable
- Changed ancestral color kit to be 1/100, and disabled droprate boosts applying to it
- Fixed Max cape/Slayer cape having a chance to give you a blocked slayer task
- Made loadouts save your autocast spell
- Fixed diary lamps
- Added fossil island mycelium transportation system
- Bird house hunting has been added

I currently have COVID/am recovering from it and will get back to picking up the pace with updates hopefully this week.