1. Offline
    Dec 2016
    Time to start polling stuff.

    This poll is a multi-choice poll.

    If you have comments regarding the poll or want to discuss this and possible things to be polled next, please do so in this thread.


  2. Offline
    Senior Member
    Oct 2016
    Don't think this poll was necessary.

  3. Offline
    Oct 2016
    wat, why

  4. Offline
    Dec 2016
    Reset donator ranks! Make it a legitimate new beginning.

  5. Offline
    Junior Member
    Jun 2020
    reset now no one wants to wait for tob

  6. Offline
    Junior Member
    Jul 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Bone PVM View Post
    reset now no one wants to wait for tob
    Even besides tob they still have alot of work to do before the reset can happen.

  7. Offline
    Junior Member
    Apr 2020
    Ill be back when it's resetted, dh Pking at edge then be ready boys!

  8. Offline
    Senior Member
    May 2017
    The most retarded out of all is that regular players ruin their own eco and complain for a reset. Why not keep ironman modes and regular eco apart from each other? Simply just reset eco for all regular players and keep any ironman mode accounts as they are. The only thing to add is to prevent any way of item transferring via iron modes towards regular eco.

    Oh heres another tip. Make drop rates actually 20x osrs (for regular players) so this bullshit doesnt happen like it does every year. Lets be clear, a reset only happens when people are unpleasant about the current state of economy which means its overflooded with items/gp. Whats the point of ironman modes if a server resets every year? No wonder Battle-scape playerbase never picked up since after 2012, because smart people already knew those resets would carry on for years and stood away from the server as its being an obvious known waste of time.
    Last edited by Mate; 07-10-2020 at 04:12 AM.

  9. Offline
    Nov 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Mate View Post
    The most retarded out of all is that regular players ruin their own eco and complain for a reset. Why not keep ironman modes and regular eco apart from each other? Simply just reset eco for all regular players and keep any ironman mode accounts as they are. The only thing to add is to prevent any way of item transferring via iron modes towards regular eco.

    Oh heres another tip. Make drop rates actually 20x osrs (for regular players) so this bullshit doesnt happen like it does every year. Lets be clear, a reset only happens when people are unpleasant about the current state of economy which means its overflooded with items/gp. Whats the point of ironman modes if a server resets every year? No wonder Battle-scape playerbase never picked up since after 2012, because smart people already knew those resets would carry on for years and stood away from the server as its being an obvious known waste of time.
    Separating modes would be a terrible idea. A lot of people use their extra items to sell to buy bonds. RSPS economys are so much different than RS because of the added features most servers put in to help ease gameplay for casual players. You can't expect a server that has .01% of the playerbase of the real game not be flooded with items after 2-3 years of up time. Not with all the extra features.

  10. Offline
    Extreme Donator
    Feb 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Mate View Post
    The most retarded out of all is that regular players ruin their own eco and complain for a reset. Why not keep ironman modes and regular eco apart from each other? Simply just reset eco for all regular players and keep any ironman mode accounts as they are. The only thing to add is to prevent any way of item transferring via iron modes towards regular eco.

    Oh heres another tip. Make drop rates actually 20x osrs (for regular players) so this bullshit doesnt happen like it does every year. Lets be clear, a reset only happens when people are unpleasant about the current state of economy which means its overflooded with items/gp. Whats the point of ironman modes if a server resets every year? No wonder Battle-scape playerbase never picked up since after 2012, because smart people already knew those resets would carry on for years and stood away from the server as its being an obvious known waste of time.
    lmao you still crying about losing your bank you manchild

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