Originally Posted by
Iron Bud
I thought shop got removed cause like only 4 people used it? I mean I guess it might, maybe, help a little bit with an item sink, but I doubt the people who hoard these items care about pets. Especially since the prices on these are kind of steep... seeing how it can take like 500 kc just to get 1 gwd item for some or like a thousand at corp for 1 sigil, of course it's all rng but there's clearly pattern data missing, besides maybe a couple. I understand this is for an item sink, but out of curiosity what items are you sinking for a pet? (unless you're not buying a pet and this is for the people you know will sink their items?)
I mean if we want to accurately target an item sink will need some analytics of all current items in-game, how many of those are items are bought/sold in addition to the frequency these items are traded. The rarity of new items coming into the game from PvMing(drop rates help with this data a bit, but rng so drop rates can be innacurate)/PKing/Boxes/Votes/BM and the frequency of these items obtained over time on that as well. Then would need to account for playerbase shrinking and growing every now and then and would need to reanalyze numbers often based on that too. So maybe a few months/a year of data might help. Can go from there after that. It just kinda seems like alot of info this is based on is assumed off experience and no real numbers. Not to question your knowledge of the game, but if this is soley based on an item sink I think we can do alot better at trying to find a more accurate answer.
Sadly, I'm not sure anyone is willing to get all those numbers and compile them to be analyzed for an item sink. However I am willing to work with anyone that could get me those numbers. I'm all for a boss pet shop, but I feel the prices need to be adjusted from much more complex data for things to be fair. Or maybe I'm being too much of a serious-andy. sorry for the essay. Just ignore me if this is going too deep, i had too much time this morning.