Imagine (finally) admitting to using cheat clients and STILL never having a chance on World 8 MB, Me, KJ, West LOL.
D O G S H I T !!!!!!!
Last edited by Big Dawg; 05-13-2020 at 11:54 AM.
thing is fila said you'reall getting factory banned so yeah. just wait until miika's on because it's not going to be pretty what so ever.
Btw bd did not hack this account. Or ask the person to hack the account we just thought we kill him and give his items away just to make him problem
I'll take a factory ban/Mac ban, it's no skin off my noise, they are wasting their time putting it into place anyway
When Youve got 3b+ on 07, Who gives a fuck anyway
That is correct, Nobody knew, And even at that it's not classed as hacking, When somebody has shared their account information with you, If people have completed stronghold of security, It strictly says " who can you share your password/personal information with" Answer being: Nobody not even friends or family.
Overall , People who are complaining and think any off us care, We gave back to the community, Niggas just jealious, they didnt get max gear from the drop parties, Which numerious sets where dropped when this happend
Stay Mad <3
If you had 3b 07, you wouldnt had spent 7 days doing wildy task to scam a 25m split, just saying. Plus, we all know u compromised urself by botting minnows, on ur main desk, interesting.
I wish that was worth it coz the only team on 07 thats will want you after that is prolly Fi. Enjoy ur 07.
To play the fool you've got to act the fool, it's basic and simple reverse psychology, " I paid someody to hunt you" own team member? It's a inside job I've got maybe around 30 minnow bots working, when you bulk buy/sell rsgp there is minor profits margins which go up and down, investments make money
Last edited by Runescapee; 05-14-2020 at 12:08 AM. Reason: Hehe
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