So, of course, large content such as ToB is in demand and will be finished sooner or later, but the Feedback and Suggestions forum has been pretty neglected by me lately which has lead to the section completely dying (the last post was 2 weeks ago for example).
I'd like to reignite player feedback both by encouraging you guys to submit it and for me to get it done. We'll start in this thread with anyone free to post suggestions they'd like to be done and hopefully get the proper section back to being active again. The only thing I'd like this thread to steer away from is large content like ToB or OSRS content that our version of OSRS doesn't yet have (such as Song of the Elves content). I want to get things moving with feedback that I can get done in a reasonable amount of time and move back up to large content again.
So, with all of that out of the way, I look forward to your suggestions and I'll do my best to get them all done quickly!