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That's not how staff works on here. You all act like no one does anything. 95% of reports are "KID PJS ME NONSTOP WHILE PKING" "MAIN USER KEEPS KILLING MY IRONMAN ACCOUNT" "I KILLED HIM AND HE KEEPS CALLING ME FATTY FAGGOT" and then cry cause the users aren't perm banned. Then when they get banned for such report, the banned user goes on and bitches about staff team and how Jagex doesn't ban for that. Jagex will ban the user for heavy curse words if multiple users report that user. If no one reports them, they don't get banned. Jagex doesn't sit and read chatlogs all day, all they do is search for RWT and Botting. The staff team isn't here to do that either.
Posts get deleted because when there is a post threatening a single user, not ones that are saying staff is bad.
Staff does not prevent you from playing, unless you are being a delusional idiot who complains that they keep banning users that you pk with. There is a reason each user gets banned and what they tell you what happened, 99% of the time the banned user makes up some random bullshit people believe in and then blame the staff. The Ban Appeals I've read over the last couple years, are kids who make up lies why they shouldn't be banned. Their reasoning doesn't usually match up to the reason they are banned.
If you have issues with a Staff Member, grow a pair and work things out. It's the same as dealing with people in the real world.