1. Untamed’s suggestions pt. 2  - 02-15-2020 #1

    Jan 2019
    #1. Make revenants actually worth killing again by increasing the droprate for statuettes/relics/effigies, they were nerfed by alot a while back. Remove/replace worthless items from the droptable or increase high alch values for alot of items, Magic Seeds for example. As of right now, you barely make any money on a skulled hard mode account with max droprate boost.

    #2. Wilderness bosses. Drop tables consist of 99% worthless junk. This applies for almost every boss. Droptables should be revamped to make the bosses worth killing.

    #3. Skilling. I suggest some changes to the following skills:

    Agility - Whenever a course/lap is completed, the player is given an agility ticket in reward. These could be traded in for either experience or coins, chosen by the player.
    Fishing - Make a reward option for the "special fish", letting the player choose between either experience or coins as reward. This should exist for other skills too.
    Slayer - Remove the silly vote tickets requirement to cancel a boss slayer task.

    #4. Voting. Add an option to "turn in" your vote tickets in exchange for a random item. Rewards can range from junk to items of higher wealth.

    #5. Add the Nightmare Boss, or add the armour and weapons from the boss in some kind of way. Could be added to the droptables of Wilderness bosses.

    #6. Not even gonna bother suggesting TOB. It'll never be added anyway.

    #7. Start reading posted suggestions and either approve or deny them. @Palidino @Miika

    #8. Stop being absent and ensure the community you actually do give a damn about the server.
    Last edited by Pilled Fussy; 02-19-2020 at 04:28 PM.

  2. Offline
    Jan 2019
    After 4 days without any staff responding in any way, heres my 9th and final suggestion: Nobody should suggest shit no more. It's a waste of time

  3. Offline
    Senior Member
    Feb 2019
    Stfu already, these suggestions are retarded asf

  4. Offline
    Oct 2016
    I feel sorry for you lmao, i'll give a +1 cause it's all i can do xd

  5. Offline
    Junior Member
    Jan 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Untamed View Post
    After 4 days without any staff responding in any way, heres my 9th and final suggestion: Nobody should suggest shit no more. It's a waste of time
    they tend to listen to players, not random virgins like yourself that pvm 18 hours per day and flame in cc over little things.

    stop using forums for a few years then make suggestion thread, might have more luck

    member of sieges battle-scape team 2019-2020

    current team: none, i just pvm on battle-scape.

    add me on discord:

  6. Offline
    Nov 2019
    Honestly most of your suggestions talk about adding in hellacious amounts of gold into the game. I played as an ironman, and before i de-ironed i had about 200m cash. That was also back with tier upgrades for wildy slayer, but i truly dont think coins are coming in slowly. In 5 wildy tasks i got well over 10M in coins.

    Lets talk specifically about boss drops. What is so terrible about them? Theyre OSRS drop tables.

  7. Offline
    Jan 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Kona Blend View Post
    Honestly most of your suggestions talk about adding in hellacious amounts of gold into the game. I played as an ironman, and before i de-ironed i had about 200m cash. That was also back with tier upgrades for wildy slayer, but i truly dont think coins are coming in slowly. In 5 wildy tasks i got well over 10M in coins.

    Lets talk specifically about boss drops. What is so terrible about them? Theyre OSRS drop tables.
    I dont give a fuck about the gold. I want an option to trade in the special resources for experience.

    Yes, let's talk about drops. On OSRS, the drops are alright, because they're actually worth something on OSRS. Not on here, except maybe a few supplies drops. Maybe a revamped drop table would make the bosses more attractive, and also dragging more people to the wildy. It's also a possible easy way of implementing modern osrs items to the game, as nothing get's updated on here ever.
    I'm only talking about wildy bosses, though.

  8. Offline
    Jan 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by test12 View Post
    they tend to listen to players, not random virgins like yourself that pvm 18 hours per day and flame in cc over little things.

    stop using forums for a few years then make suggestion thread, might have more luck
    Not sure if you're trolling or just a 12 year old fat dipshit irl. All you do on here is spread toxicity and flame. Watch your disordered little fingers you lil donkey.

  9. Offline
    Jan 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Nipsu View Post
    Stfu already, these suggestions are retarded asf
    How about you call Johannes and go tb some mid level killing green dragons together? Don't get slapped again retard

  10. Offline
    Junior Member
    Jan 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Untamed View Post
    Not sure if you're trolling or just a 12 year old fat dipshit irl. All you do on here is spread toxicity and flame. Watch your disordered little fingers you lil donkey.
    It's a shame you dunno how to set up discord, everyone been laughing at you on there for a few days now. Such a meme mate.

    member of sieges battle-scape team 2019-2020

    current team: none, i just pvm on battle-scape.

    add me on discord:

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