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    Apr 2019
    -Pest Control double points/ X2 tokkul drops(Handy for ironman)/Warriors guild 1.5x Xp drop for defenders.
    *Quick note=This could be at random times or could be started by a admin. With the X2 pc points i'd suggest doing that 1-2x a week. (Numbers can be adjusted)

    -World Event Boss=World event boss is similar to wildy boss you had expect that it's in safe wildy so all players can participate in **Min of 300 damage to receive a reward** For the rewards you make a 'Event Chest' which is located next to event boss. People with +300Damage will receive a key for a chance to win a good reward **Items you can pick due to eco etc** Coordinates to have the Boss/Chest=2329/3825.

    -1hour of double blood money (Pking only)-Can be set by staff during the day not to much for obvious reasons.

    -Double wildy slayer points (1-2days out of the week)

    -Weekly tournaments any style for in game bonds

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    -Pvm point shop-Even if players are killing something off-task they could get 1point per kill *NPC MUST BE 80+* could add low tier slayer items to help them get started etc whip/dboots/bone package etc.

    -Raids 2 items-I made a post about this before. Beta testers have confirm'd raids 2 is going to take quite a bit for it to be fully codded it would spice things up having them in the game meanwhile it TOB is being worked on. You could introduce the items Via Raids 1 (Reason why is people are already doing raids so it won't hurt them as much when TOB items will be taken away once it is coded)

    Revenants-On OSRS Revs are really good money due to the supplies/alchs etc it contently drops, But for battlescape the only reason to go kill em is for statues and the highest one only being worth 16m with quite a high drop rate, Increasing the drop table could be a good idea for example you could add cash stacks of say 5-10m/blood money 5-10k/improve alch drop table etc dragon/rune

    -Battlemages Currently no one goes there apart from irons to get infinity boots, You could add into the drop table to make it worth going there + making mage bank a little more active. They could drop 5-30m cash stacks+Mid tier pk items dboots/whip etc/Blood money 5-30k Bm. But for players to attack the npc they must be risking 5-10m+

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    -Maxcape Max cape is currently only fashion scape due to this being a RSPS, There are no need for the teleports, To make players more tempted to max their account i'd say add +2 in every stat.(climbing boots give +2str for players who think this would be op) aka stop being lazy

    : )

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    Junior Member
    Aug 2018
    same amt of replies here than u have brain cells

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