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    Junior Member
    Dec 2019
    Yes. I know what you’re thinking. ‘Why waste devs time for something that already exists?’

    The collection log in game tracks what we get which is cool and the chest at home for clues allows you to store and track most clue items. However, the way the collection log is set up in osrs makes post-max grinding or really any grind, way way more fun. Having the book that shows X/X completed is so satisfying. It’s a reason to do grinds everywhere. Dumb low level slayer monsters. Wildy monsters, etc etc. I think it would bring lots of hype to the server as it would be a somewhat competitive grind.

    since the clue chest already tracks clue loot it would be great to see that transferred over too

    On top of this. Instead of having two separate trackers, one to show what loot monsters give, and one to show what loot you’ve obtained. It would all be visible in one space. (Obviously minus the drop rate unless staff somehow added that)

    Let me know what you think.
    Last edited by haisha; 01-05-2020 at 12:18 PM. Reason: clarification

  2. Offline
    Oct 2016
    I'm down for this only if palidino can manage to merge the information from the current drop log with the collection log, otherwise it would be from scratch like it was with the current log when it was first added.

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    Junior Member
    Dec 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphis View Post
    I'm down for this only if palidino can manage to merge the information from the current drop log with the collection log, otherwise it would be from scratch like it was with the current log when it was first added.
    I gave this some thought before posting. The idea that was popular on reddit when this came out for 07 was to let irons ‘use’ items on the collection log to track loot they already received. I have no idea how coding works but if they can make that an iron only thing I don’t see an issue. If they have to take info from each person log already in game I feel like that would be very time consuming but again I don’t know dick about coding. The only people that wouldnt benefit from that are normal accounts and most normal accounts aren’t huge pvmers.

    Truthfully, I don’t care if it starts empty but from your standpoint with all your time on the server I can understand why you would want them to merge.

  4. Offline
    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    +1, Miika can code it, Irons use item on log to track it if they've already gotten it. Everyone else starts fresh.

  5. Offline
    Nov 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by haisha View Post
    I gave this some thought before posting. The idea that was popular on reddit when this came out for 07 was to let irons ‘use’ items on the collection log to track loot they already received. I have no idea how coding works but if they can make that an iron only thing I don’t see an issue. If they have to take info from each person log already in game I feel like that would be very time consuming but again I don’t know dick about coding. The only people that wouldnt benefit from that are normal accounts and most normal accounts aren’t huge pvmers.

    Truthfully, I don’t care if it starts empty but from your standpoint with all your time on the server I can understand why you would want them to merge.
    All this would be doing is moving the drop log into a separate interface. Only difference is you would have clue tracking enabled as well. Also, no coin/clue drops showing from bosses. Could still add a 'view' option to see what kc you got your drop at as well. Love the idea.

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