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  1. Offline
    Junior Member
    Dec 2019
    Our server has some of the best pvm/ironman content out of any server hands down. I don't hate that as someone who pvps. I love the fact we have a good core structure to play the game outside of pvp.

    What we don't have is an active wilderness. I will not name names of any servers doing this part right but

    I've seen servers with constant action going on in wilderness through the means of

    Keys, Wilderness mobs spawning, slayer keys that mark the target like a bloody key, hot zones for rewards,

    Our pvpers literally sit waiting for the tourney, then wait 15 for the blood key, then afk until the next. This won't bring any pvpers to the server. Numbers have been dropping as of recently mabye its to do with the holidays and people being back at work/school. So what better time to start bringing new people in with some new updates?

    Maybe lessen the rewards of tournys and make them more frequent. Literally I'm just throwing out ideas. what about a bloodlust tourny (Clans generate points from killing rival clan members x1 for multi x4 for single)

    Any suggestions/feed back welcome.

    Check out our wilderness...



    Blood Lust Tournament
    More Wilderness events
    Pvm keys that tb you and announce to server
    Iron man pvp incentive
    Target kills = generated item(if monitored to stop farming)
    Last edited by Caterpillar8; 01-02-2020 at 10:42 PM.

  2. Offline
    Junior Member
    Oct 2019
    I'm personally not much of a PvP person, but i know there are tons of players that enjoy the content. I would love to see some rework done to get the wildy more active.

    It would also be cool to see someway to incorporate ironmen. i.e giving them a bonus reward for getting pvp kills since they're at a higher risk, or possibly the loot from the enemy goes into the well (someone else came up with this, just passing it on).

    I'd like to see what ideas the community could generate to increase our wildy activity and attract more pvp players.

  3. Offline
    Junior Member
    Nov 2019
    Hmm I kind of agree tbh,
    I just had this random thought in my head, perhaps something even like killing your target in wilderness grants you a randomly generated item like the old wilderness ep system if you remember, and once a target is killed it is announced over chat to reduce chances of boosting?

    Im not too sure but something is needed and I am sure as hell Pali along with senior staff have been trying hard to come up with ways to improve the servers pvp

  4. Offline
    Oct 2016
    For iromen:

    -The idea about an ironman killing someone and the loot being instantly donated to well was cool.
    -Slightly buff wildy event key loot for ironmen. A barrows set has just 0 incentive for people to go for a key.

  5. Offline
    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    If you want a pvp server you're better off player a pvp oriented server. PVM servers like this will never get an active wilderness. Half of these suggestions are forcing ironmen to venture into the wilderness, but not actually making them want to associate with any actual PVP content. It's practically impossible for a server like this one to get an active wilderness where players actually fight players, not just hunting random pvmers down for dhide.
    Last edited by sharingan; 01-03-2020 at 11:27 AM.

  6. Offline
    Junior Member
    Jul 2019
    You're new, join the server..

    Get stats, get gear, explore wildy..


    If there is someone, few seconds later


    5 Max magers follow you, get tbed

    Get chased down for a mystic set

    5 people in max dump 4 VLS spec on u

    You die

    "ARKHAKAL 35-33 wildy 4 brews l0l4lalallaa4504l40l04"

    Ok, np


    One fight half way in,

    Tagged, TBed same thing happens

    New player has logged out


    New player flames, Moderator powermodemanboy logs in

    ::mute new player


    Welcome to BattleScape

    I've seen a server with PK Bots, how about having 10 running around from 1-54 wildy
    5 Mains/Mids and 5 Pures/Zerks around 110-126 cb & 75-105 cb

    Pkers can go kill those for cash rewards.. some new lower tier keys..
    And medium rare drop table.. Like.. BGS.. or ZGS or.. Blowpipe.. noted PK gear DDS's.. Mystic..

    It will be taken over by clans anyhow, so yeah.. same thing will happen

    This will keep some Pkers entertained tho and might make the Wildy less dead
    Maybe another few in lvl 1 edge to "fool" new players they are actual people.. or even if they are bots..
    Last edited by Entei; 02-23-2020 at 03:05 PM.

  7. Offline
    Sep 2019
    sometimes reading these suggestions in replies makes me wish i were blind

    - bob pierce

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