Quote Originally Posted by sharingan View Post
well im talking about 07 since thats how pali told everyone it works. what you said is a bug and didnt even report it, nice staff member

"The range on the meele hand is equivelent to OS, a tbow has a longer range then a crossbow, and a blowpipe has the shortest range. People would use dragon hunter lance but is it out dps'd by blowpipe with dragon darts, a DHCB with ruby bolts, and ofcourse the tbow, that puts it in 4th place. Thats why it isn't used as much as ranged weapons."

"Also if you wanna prove me wrong, I know for a fact that blowpipe with ddarts out dps's DHL at olms hand on BS, we can go test that out as well if you would like."

?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?

Since when do you see ppl blowpipe melee hand on 07, you said its the same as 07 but its really not.

250kc at raids but tells people to void solo, just stfu u know 0 about 07 raids, u dont get 27-29k points on average btw as solo on 07

BS raids rate is multiplied by x2 or smth so just half the 07 figure.
What that someone with 0 points can get an item if nobody else rolls it? It was thoroughly discussed so yeah, its been reported and if nothing was done about it. Seems like the general consensus might be that its the way that its supposed to work. I don't even see why you quoted that second sentence? I don't see anybody Bping the meele hand in 07, because its different mechanics, if we were talking about 07, yeah DRL out plays blowpipe 100%, but not on battlescape. You get 27-29k points on average on battlescape, we're not talking about 07, this is a battlescape forum. You're the only one talking about 07, when that's not what is being discussed. Bs raids are not multiplied by x2 lmao. If that was the case, with all drop boost included, I wouldnt be nearly 300 raids dry for a tbow, that means people on old school would be roughly 1k raids dry of it if im hitting the table the way that you stated. To be honest I don't know many people on 07 that are over 1k raids dry of a solo tbow, but hey. To each their own