1. Some suggestion by JAG (Tournament, Bloodier key, ETC)  - 12-20-2019 #1

    Junior Member
    Oct 2019
    Alright, so i've been on the server for around 2 days now (since coming back) and I gotta say im kind of in the middle of this atm. Let me explain, so when I hopped on there was a max nh tourny, and the setup that i received was dreadful, i also saw the hybrid setup and it just confuses me,
    Now, im willing to help setup the presets for all tournament styles that need it, as I consider myself a respectable pker in others eyes.
    TRAPSTARR JAG#1337 on discord if you want assistance on it

    And then there's the bloodier key (might be same for bloody key not sure)
    I went to this bloodier key which spawned in single right, and as soon as I arrived, I get on the guy with the key, then his friend comes along and he just drops the key, i freeze and dd under the guy i was originally on and get on the other guy, he drops the key again and gets on me, this happened over the course of 5-8minutes and I was just so confused and angry that I let it go,
    Here's my Suggestion: Make it so, if you pick up the bloodier key, you can't drop it. Dropping a bloodier key to ur teammate in SINGLE wildy is crazy..

    Risk defence, Risk defence is talked about a lot, i dont know if it is on battlescape or not, but it circulates the pk community quite a lot, and from the story above^^ I think this might be a great addition to the game, adds for people to grab a bit more risk, or for people who grabbed risk not to get ragged by people in no risk, Toggle option to turn it on/off.
    edit: seen this is already a thing

    Thanks for reading! <3
    Last edited by MUSSOLINI; 12-20-2019 at 07:56 PM.

  2. Offline
    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    Lol, things like this have been suggested for a long time i highly doubt a "respectable pkers" input will change much in this game.

  3. Offline
    Jan 2017
    Atleast should make it so the key goes visible only for the one who has done the most damage, if it's dropped.

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    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    the no dropping bloodier key/bloody key +1 from me

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    Junior Member
    Oct 2019
    As good as it sounds, there will always be loop holes (for the key).. You are concerned due to someone dropping and the other person picking it up in singles. What if the person with the key never attacked you and the other player PJ'd you off? Same result.. or if two players box each other when one picks up the key the whole way down? Again same result.. I agree something should be changed to make it harder to keep the key but I don't think your proposition would be as effect as initially thought.

  6. Offline
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Yesterday View Post
    As good as it sounds, there will always be loop holes (for the key).. You are concerned due to someone dropping and the other person picking it up in singles. What if the person with the key never attacked you and the other player PJ'd you off? Same result.. or if two players box each other when one picks up the key the whole way down? Again same result.. I agree something should be changed to make it harder to keep the key but I don't think your proposition would be as effect as initially thought.
    You are aware that boxing the key in against the rules? It's not same result if someone PJ's you lol.

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    Junior Member
    Oct 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Zeik View Post
    You are aware that boxing the key in against the rules? It's not same result if someone PJ's you lol.
    Under ::rules, i don't see anything about boxing being against the rules. And if you're attacking the person with the key. And their friend PJ's you, so you can no longer attack the player with the key. They are now going to get away because you're in singles and the other guy is on you.. thus you have no chance at getting the key, thus, same result.

  8. Offline
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Yesterday View Post
    Under ::rules, i don't see anything about boxing being against the rules. And if you're attacking the person with the key. And their friend PJ's you, so you can no longer attack the player with the key. They are now going to get away because you're in singles and the other guy is on you.. thus you have no chance at getting the key, thus, same result.
    You get message of saying you're not allowed to do it after picking up the key.
    In 1v2 scenario you can freeze dd and be able to kill the keyholder. At this moment they can just tank the key as long as they got brews to go with and then just droptrade the key to their friend with fresh inventory when they are out of supplies.

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