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    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    So to elaborate on the idea of a key spawning anywhere in the wilderness here's my suggestion.

    Not only for the obvious reason being everyone should have to run the key a lot of levels to safety in danger of losing the key i'd suggest capping the key to spawn no where lower than for example 40 wilderness. This way it also makes Pali's job easier finding all the walk-able tiles for the key to spawn. So to stop everyone from running round like headless chickens across the entire wilderness looking for the key for 2 hours I've come up with this idea, but first a few suggestions to help improve the way key events will play out.

    - Teleblocked once looting the key ( even if it's just half )
    - Disable dropping the key/logging out with the key ( this way people wont manipulate dropping the key in locations, stocking back on food and coming back to pick the key up )
    - Give the key holder a Bounty Hunter Target arrow indicating where he is ( I get this could either play out terrible or play out really well i'm not so sure about this one )
    - Add a ::50s teleport or add 50 Obelisk teleport to the wizard
    - Add a command like ::zones which will show players where the different zones are located in the wilderness.
    - ( Open to edit and add more suggestions from you guys if you're in on this idea that is. I can't think of anything more off the top of my head at the moment )

    Right to the main idea this is a rough idea of how it would work -

    Slightly off topic but I didn't want to make a separate thread with some other suggestions -

    - Add Larran's keys for wildy slayer (open via dmm chest) Reward skilling supplies like 07 for people looking to max out.
    - Reopen agility course in wilderness and make the exp be the best p/h (Good for skillers and pkers)
    - Make the recourse arena more appealing by giving slightly better exp rates / double fish, logs and ore. ( https://gyazo.com/8620dccfc616477917384eab43ed8907 for those noobies who don't know where i mean ).
    - (This goes hand in hand with the above) add deserted keep lever in edge bank with a caution in the chatbox of course.
    Last edited by Nub; 12-06-2019 at 11:58 AM.

  2. Offline
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by SIGRID View Post
    So to elaborate on the idea of a key spawning anywhere in the wilderness here's my suggestion.

    Not only for the obvious reason being everyone should have to run the key a lot of levels to safety in danger of losing the key i'd suggest capping the key to spawn no where lower than for example 40 wilderness. This way it also makes Pali's job easier finding all the walk-able tiles for the key to spawn. So to stop everyone from running round like headless chickens across the entire wilderness looking for the key for 2 hours I've come up with this idea, but first a few suggestions to help improve the way key events will play out.

    - Teleblocked once looting the key ( even if it's just half )
    - Disable dropping the key/logging out with the key ( this way people wont manipulate dropping the key in locations, stocking back on food and coming back to pick the key up )
    - Give the key holder a Bounty Hunter Target arrow indicating where he is ( I get this could either play out terrible or play out really well i'm not so sure about this one )
    - Add a ::50s teleport or add 50 Obelisk teleport to the wizard
    - ( Open to edit and add more suggestions from you guys if you're in on this idea that is. I can't think of anything more off the top of my head at the moment )

    Right to the main idea this is a rough idea of how it would work -

    Thank you for your suggestion!

  3. Offline
    Nov 2019
    Love the idea, just take away the target arrow. Takes away any chance of creating a skilled escape.

  4. Offline
    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    Yeah it partially does your right, i did mention i wasn't sure about that idea or not i wanted to see how others felt about it

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