View Poll Results: How should the foreign language rule work?

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  • Foreign language allowed only in pms

    9 28.13%
  • Foreign language allowed everywhere

    7 21.88%
  • Foreign language allowed in public chat but not the "home" clan chat

    16 50.00%
  1. Allowing foreign language  - 11-12-2019 #1

    Dec 2016

    Simple poll to get some feedback on the foreign language rule and possible changes.

  2. Offline
    Apr 2019
    Allow 4ners to speak everywhere!

    #spannishgang #whereisdaupdates

  3. Offline
    Jan 2017
    Only server that even has this kind of restrictions. Shouldn't even ask this 10 player community, just remove the rule.

  4. Offline
    Junior Member
    Jan 2017
    Honestly I dont see this as a problem. Aren’t we free to speak any language in the real world? Makes no sense to make it as a rule. Just my opinion.

  5. Offline
    Apr 2019
    It's only imposed on the vens anyway, stupid rule should be removed.
    If you speak spanish you get muted, but you can speak dutch at home and nothing happens.
    It all depends on who you are, it's a pointless rule.

  6. Offline
    Sep 2009
    Zombies Supporter!
    10 Year Veteran
    Quote Originally Posted by School Boy View Post
    Honestly I dont see this as a problem. Aren’t we free to speak any language in the real world? Makes no sense to make it as a rule. Just my opinion.
    When we had thousands of players, people use to talk RWT A LOT in another language and as we didn't have good Google Translate, it was very hard to translate and catch those m'fers.

    About to be 2020, wtf RWTs anymore.

  7. Offline
    Junior Member
    Feb 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Alex View Post
    When we had thousands of players, people use to talk RWT A LOT in another language and as we didn't have good Google Translate, it was very hard to translate and catch those m'fers.

    About to be 2020, wtf RWTs anymore.
    and now there's 12 players so who gives a fuck

    I do actually, cause I can't speak any other language and I don't want to feel left out cause some foreign fucks are speaking some foreign language

  8. Offline
    Sep 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Alex View Post
    When we had thousands of players, people use to talk RWT A LOT in another language and as we didn't have good Google Translate, it was very hard to translate and catch those m'fers.

    About to be 2020, wtf RWTs anymore.
    first off google translate launched april 2006 long before battleshifts had thousends of pleyers

    second off rwt is huge on rs its a million dollar business and arcus just got shut down recently and it was big news

    third off the only reason rwt would not make sense here is because the gold is worthless on 10 player game with 2 guys in wild but in reality they are level 50 in real rs also bill pierce is a phony and u were a brain dead admin

    - bob pierce

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