Originally Posted by
While I do understand the complaints about Gorilla's as they shouldn't be there but are which has it's reasons.
They won't be removed entirely, perhaps re-locating them is an option to a more appropriate area, (1/2)
by appropriate I mean an accessible area around 30-40 wilderness not in the middle of nowhere, that's suicide for Player vs Monster activities. (2/2)
So, I do understand considering the amount of mobs outside of Gorilla's but removing agro from Gorilla's entirely I will NOT support.
A solution to the issue at hand can be introduced, but I will not support making it blatantly easy for you and your clan to bully more Players.
I'll happily look into a solution within reason that benefits both parties, should that not be to your satisfaction because they still escape, than I suggest getting better at fall-ins.
Sincerely, Shirou.