+1 to suggestion
While I do understand the complaints about Gorilla's as they shouldn't be there but are which has it's reasons.
They won't be removed entirely, perhaps re-locating them is an option to a more appropriate area, (1/2)
by appropriate I mean an accessible area around 30-40 wilderness not in the middle of nowhere, that's suicide for Player vs Monster activities. (2/2)
So, I do understand considering the amount of mobs outside of Gorilla's but removing agro from Gorilla's entirely I will NOT support.
A solution to the issue at hand can be introduced, but I will not support making it blatantly easy for you and your clan to bully more Players.
I'll happily look into a solution within reason that benefits both parties, should that not be to your satisfaction because they still escape, than I suggest getting better at fall-ins.
Sincerely, Shirou.
Okay, I will play along and ignore the fact that in your last sentence you're trying to flamebait. This conversation doesn't look promising as your opinions seem to be aggressively against pkers.
Please explain why Battlescape should have more aggroing NPCs than OSRS itself in wilderness?
The gorillas can be relocated, with keeping their aggressivity, but to location that doesn't get on running paths.
Correction, I'll happily look into a solution that satisfies BOTH parties, but I won't favor your side or their's.
I would much rather come to a conclusion that benefits both parties, but I won't make it blatantly easy to secure kills by removing agro entirely, hence the re-location idea.
How about an accessible area around 30-40 wilderness with nearby escape potential a few levels up or down, which offers them a chance to escape and y'all have it your way to an extent as well.
I offered a solution that benefits both sides rather than entirely playing into the hands of a specific group of Players (PKers), I won't side with anyone or meet your every demand, I'll do what I can within reason.
PS: that wasn't intended as flamebait but a genuine comment, should Gorilla's be re-located (will make a thread later) and they still manage to escape that's entirely on your team.
Sincerely, Shirou.
Well, since you insist on this being similar to OSRS, than you'll have no issue with the removal of the risk bracket correct?
I'll happily forward your terms on the condition that the risk bracket be removed as essentially it's a monopoly that allows rich Players to single out Players.
I didn't answer because your entire argument contradicts you because of the fact that y'all had a Risk Bracket implemented.
Last edited by Shirou; 09-29-2019 at 01:22 PM.
OSRS doesn't have an NPC where gorillas, but we do because of wildy slayer. Either remove them or de-aggro, your points are just stupid @shirou. Risk brackets are there because we can teleport straight to the place with a preset, so that point is invalid too.
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