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    Iron Fist Your Bum
    Sep 2016
    10 Year Veteran
    I'm considering working on a hard mode next week (currently focused on other things for this week), and need some feedback.

    For one, is this something that interests people? You would have to train combat stats, but you'd have other boosts to help make up for it. For example, you might have x% higher drop rates, x% more slayer points per task, etc. If you'd be interested, what would be fair boosts and what should the combat XP rate be? Currently I was thinking about x250, which isn't god awfully slow, but isn't too fast that the mode would be pointless over setting stats.

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    Sep 2009
    Zombies Supporter!
    10 Year Veteran
    If you even think about doing this, work on finishing slayer first. Canceling tasks, npc unlock, npc blocking, Slayer helm, etc.

  3. Offline
    Oct 2016
    Would rather have a Old battlescape economy server (2010-2014) with following content ..

    - wider worldmap usage
    - full 07 slayer (cancel tasks, extent tasks, make different slayer helmets, block tasks, ...) all in correct interfaces.
    - all skills working (agility with marks of grace to buy gracefull/the herblore supples, agility having all courses, ...) Basicly every skill working, with most training methods.
    - all bosses working properly.
    - G/E system like Alotic has it working, or played owned shops.
    - full achievement diaries system (costum, let's say 'Lumberjack!' cut certain amount of logs to unlock lumberjack).
    - All minigames (duel, castle wars, clan wars, pest control, dominion tower,...)

    This might sound bad, but there's lots of content to work with in this source. Shouldn't waste this oppertunity on a PVP server that won't go over 30 players.

    My opinion tho..

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    Senior Member
    Oct 2016
    I've seen many people get surprised when they first log-in and find out they are already maxed, so I do think it'd be a good thing to have. People would go for more PvMing though, which is not what is needed right now.

    I'd advice to postpone this until we get some activity in the wildy, if you have read the suggestions regarding blood money gained by PKing, you should consider working on it along with wildy bosses, as well as some price changes within the shop. There will be an actual sort-of economy with no risk in price changes since it will be set by a max price depending on a Coin:Blood Money conversion ratio which is yet to be added.

    Until then, I don't think adding a hard mode would be a good idea, players do not even sell their stuff as they don't want to stand in bank looking for anyone to buy it.

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    Junior Member
    Oct 2016
    really. focus on finishing the game first like combat eco everything why are you trying to appeal to skillers when this is a pk server.... i dont get ur logic please explain it

  6. Offline
    Oct 2016
    i prefer no stat/item settings, just like older battlescape versions, more like eco based server where pple had to work for the stats and basic equipment by doing slayer just with a starter pack.

  7. Offline
    Junior Member
    Oct 2016
    There should definitely be a hard mode to train states and get other boosts in the near future. In the mean time, perfect the rest of the server and then add it on top. But yeah I am all for having the hard mode option.

  8. Offline
    Oct 2016
    I think rather than a hard mode you should just poll training & see what the general consensus is first. Then take it from there.

    The problem with "Hard Mode" is the implications it'd have on the economy. If you gave these accounts better drop rates for example, what's to stop them just making a shit ton of money from bossing to then xfer to another account.

    Also what idea EXP rate did you have in mind?
    Last edited by Iloi5ia89; 10-27-2016 at 02:11 AM.

  9. Offline
    Junior Member
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by SYOPAPOTILAS View Post
    Would rather have a Old battlescape economy server (2010-2014) with following content ..

    - wider worldmap usage
    - full 07 slayer (cancel tasks, extent tasks, make different slayer helmets, block tasks, ...) all in correct interfaces.
    - all skills working (agility with marks of grace to buy gracefull/the herblore supples, agility having all courses, ...) Basicly every skill working, with most training methods.
    - all bosses working properly.
    - G/E system like Alotic has it working, or played owned shops.
    - full achievement diaries system (costum, let's say 'Lumberjack!' cut certain amount of logs to unlock lumberjack).
    - All minigames (duel, castle wars, clan wars, pest control, dominion tower,...)

    This might sound bad, but there's lots of content to work with in this source. Shouldn't waste this oppertunity on a PVP server that won't go over 30 players.

    My opinion tho..

    dis :3

  10. Offline
    Junior Member
    Oct 2016
    Okay so clearly you still have interest in making a good and working server.

    If you do plan on making one of those which you haven't done in years, do not fucking do it half assed.

    You have plenty of people that will help you with the population, IF THIS IS SOMETHING YOU DO SERIOUS.

    As alex said, do not release the game pre-mature, do not release until you see a decent chunk of players on forums actually bothering to play.

    If you're in on this 100% you will have alot of loyal and good players support.

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