1. Offline
    Jan 2019
    First of all, I'd like to thank everyone. I haven't actively played over the past years, though I've enjoyed every second of this server (on and off) since 2011/2012, it's truly been a blast!
    Most of the modern days community knew me as "Untamed". Some of you knew me as "Sm1te" or "Swift", way, way back.

    Some will say I quit because Miika decided to wipe all raids items obtained today, within the last 6 hours. False.
    The major reason I leave is because I don't have the time any more. I have a 5 months old son, a full time job and a demanding fiancee, allthough she's not a brain surgeon like Bill's girlfriend

    As much as I'd like to spend time on here - family comes first.

    Also, big ups to Miika, the only dev staff member holding shit together and trying to improve things. Without him, BS would've died decades ago.

    One more thing; trick.jpg

    You did great, Trick. BattleWild went super huge and was super fun.

    I wish the best for BS' future, it has huge potential.

    Best regards,
    Last edited by Pilled Fussy; 07-28-2019 at 11:33 AM.

  2. Offline
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by daddyisback View Post
    Battlewild is still holding a 500 playerbase, come play!
    Most stable playerbase of ...............


  3. Offline
    🇳🇴 🇱🇮🇫🇪
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Untamed View Post
    she's not a brain surgeon like Bill's girlfriend
    *brian surgeon

  4. Offline
    Nov 2018
    You'll be back... They always come back.....

    Shouts out Kn1ght, aussienooble, iron mate <3

  5. Offline
    The General, Legend, Myth
    May 2019
    Shame that, You will be back just wait your Mrs to get on your tits haha top man.

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