1. Offline
    Apr 2019
    Blood key every 1hour 30mins.

    When dieing after 5+wild to load your preset you receive a cool down timer of 2minutes. (Saves people flooding chaos ele/blood key events n just dieing n instantly coming back within 3secs with same gear.)

    Host more single+Multi events. Example's=Revs king of the hill/5v5 annark events/Hp events where a admin will have 10k health or somthing/ Single tank test etc a admin will have to run south while teams compete to try get the focus or kill on the admin will be alot of fun/skill considering its single.

    Key holders are using a boxing method that is basically op with the current pkers count /team members etc. Example if you are pking with 3 and the other team has say 4 at east dragons. rest will be fighting and it's impossible to even try get a focus on the key holder due alot of dragons auto attacking from a massive range. Or you've got the bolt raggers/fighters. In other words you can just pray mage and box the dragon until either other team teles away then run or just keep waiting. What i'm suggesting is either remove some dragons from easts. Or make it so you can't box for me then 5-10secs on a npc or w.e

    Add range pot to zerk/range fighter set ups (Rune knife setup)

    Change the way 'High scores' are displayed. Don't just show it for people online make it so you can see everyone's even if their offline or online. This way teams can set up baits etc without others knowing they have all their members online.

    Add Combo runes into the shop

    Add infernal cape to blood money shop
    Last edited by G O A T; 07-19-2019 at 06:45 PM.

  2. Offline
    Iron Fist Your Bum
    Sep 2016
    10 Year Veteran
    Dying in the wilderness causes a delay on being able to re-use wilderness teleports, but would a loadout delay be better?

    Would making it so that you can't attack npcs/npcs aren't aggressive toward you while carrying a key work?
    Last edited by Palidino; 07-19-2019 at 09:39 AM.

  3. Offline
    Apr 2019
    Just add like a 1-2min delay to use your preset again just after dieing.

    And yeah pali because that way some skill will be involved to be able to hit the key holder and will be a lot more easier then waiting for him to finishing boxing 12 dragons

  4. Offline
    Apr 2019
    Big fan of the pvp events, part of the reason I left OSRS for Battlescape. The small community and clans make it quite fun, I can't deny. With the crackdown on afk/macro users we have it's made the nh scene quite nice in comparison.

    I agree with the fact we should have some more custom events. They're a lot of fun, but some of the problems you mentioned above are really severe. The ability to return to sui/fight is way too fast on here, it makes it a numbers game really. The more multi bots you have, odds are you win. A cooldown for loadouts/teleporting (that's already in game) seems like a great idea.

    I massively agree that key running in singles, especially the pirates hut is brutal. The person just camps bulwark with ROW ( i ) force aggro and runs through singles with heaps of monsters tagging off. I've also witnessed boxing to safe, literally hitting each other every few tiles they run south. It takes the fun out of the keys. Removing a plethora of NPC's in overcrowded areas (does anyone even do wildy demonics?????????) seems like a fantastic start, but I think more brainstorming on how to counter the problem could be done.

    Combo runes are in the legends guild shop. I've never played an easy account but I hear you can wear Neitz without doing Legends is possible (unsure however). So combo runes for players who do not want to do the extra quests or get 50 agility could be made available to everyone, I don't think that would have a massive impact on the game. However, it could be viewed as an unlock for your account, better your account, better your resources available kind of deal?

    Don't you fucking dare add the Inferno cape to the BM shop. With Sotes and Ele, revs dropping BM with a tier, it's already easy enough to farm mass amounts of BM. Yes, I have a cape that I got myself, but I have other accounts that I would like to have it on too but still I think this is a negative aspect.

    Quote Originally Posted by Palidino View Post
    Dying in the wilderness causes a delay on being able to re-use wilderness teleports, but would a loadout delay be better?

    Would making it so that you can't attack npcs/npcs aren't aggressive toward you while carrying a key work?
    Logging resets the timer.

  5. Offline
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Mercy View Post
    does anyone even do wildy demonics?????????
    Only ones you should be doing

  6. Offline
    Nov 2018
    Have to agree with the infernal cape not being in bm store.

    I've asked a few times before about starting custom events for both the forums and in-game. But they never get pushed forward since I can't do as much as a admin would with rewards or setting up tank accounts etc. Keep asking for them though hopefully an admin with come through with the goods. Would be nice to see and be involved in!

    Shouts out Kn1ght, aussienooble, iron mate <3

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