Quote Originally Posted by sharingan View Post
In all honesty, I think the new server has a better chance at attracting players than the current server. Many RSPS' already have most of OSRS content (TOB, COX, Construction etc), so adding this to battlescape won't help much. Releasing a new server is the best bet, but Pali would have to consistently work on it and release updates. If he doesn't, it'll just die like all the previous servers he's created. The players are here (400 on discord), it's up to Palidino if he wants them to stay by releasing consistent updates.
Imo the current server is perfect. But it needs consistent updates and bug fixes. I'd love some custom stuff like a reworked, custom skilling area, custom high level slayer dungeon, custom diaries etc. The devs and most staff including the owner are completely absent, and that's a major problem.
The majority of the community doesn't want a new server.