Comments from players, many who have left or are not happy.

"Feels like the server is slipping, decreasing numbers and not too much positivity towards the new server, many thinking about putting less time into the server, pali needs to do something to revive the server and server moral
his lack of commitment is really showing from a users point of view
and from what discussion i've seen
I've told some people to put their thoughts into threads on the forums, but are afraid of getting bashed for talking against the new server ya know"

"Well I can’t see myself grinding it anymore with no confirmed updates or new content on the way
Like why waste energy when the servers Gona get split into 2"

"Toxic pkers, no new updates, talks of new server splitting community, and I’ve basically done everything so like I’m not having fun right now
Numbers on a low atm as well
All made server not fun for me
If raids 2 came out I’d come back and grind that"

" didnt really wanna invest Money or time into server, because hes Afraid server Will just be reset Alain
I understand him, i feel the same way"

I support the new server and I support this one but they both need to be equally supported to remain viable options.