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List of suggestions:
- A reworked, custom skilling area.
- Daily tasks/challenges with xp/cash rewards.
- Monthly events hosted by staff, ex: mass bossing or a pk tournament with rare rewards. Or just monthly D&D's.
- High level slayer dungeon/donator island.
- A reworked rare loot table for wilderness monsters. For instance, some high level monsters could have a 1/1000 chance to drop rare or wealthy items, not only the wildy weapons.
- A pvp zone where you could set stats and spawn basic items (only in this particular are). However, for big risk fights you'd need to use your own items for it to be rewarding.
- Demonic Gorillas are terrible coded. They're alot easier on osrs. Should be fixed.
- Staff is absent, people are afraid the server will die or be reset, more people have quit recently and the playerbase has drastically dropped. No updates or information whatsoever from staff.