1. Offline
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by SIGRID View Post
    UK GRIME is ‘West’ before he name changed his alt lol. You’re so embarrassed that you try and cover up your members planking . Stay in your shells, actual losers get off our scene
    Just like yander does it daily?

  2. Offline
    Jan 2017
    Nice +3 month old killpics of me.
    Here's few of yours, you've planked so many times so it's impossible to find even half of them.
    Not to mention you lose every single nh dm to me

  3. Offline
    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by MlNG JIE LI View Post
    Nice +3 month old killpics of me.
    Here's few of yours, you've planked so many times so it's impossible to find even half of them.
    Not to mention you lose every single nh dm to me

    Nice 4 month old kill pics of me when i was Solo full tbed imagine only having 4 pics to show in half a year. Apart from the 74 38 Ags Gmaul when I admittedly fairly died in a 1v1.

    Oh btw here's your so called leader being mopped by me soloing, enjoy.


  4. Offline
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by SIGRID View Post
    Nice 4 month old kill pics of me when i was Solo full tbed imagine only having 4 pics to show in half a year. Apart from the 74 38 Ags Gmaul when I admittedly fairly died in a 1v1.

    Oh btw here's your so called leader being mopped by me soloing, enjoy.

    Some of those killpics of you are barely not even 2 weeks old. All of the ones posted by you are +3 months old. Keep in mind that my total deaths in singles for the last few months is 0.

  5. Offline
    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by MlNG JIE LI View Post
    Some of those killpics of you are barely not even 2 weeks old. All of the ones posted by you are +3 months old. Keep in mind that my total deaths in singles for the last few months is 0.
    Go find yourself on here, done talking to weirdo's who call their self's MING fucking Li. My threads will speak for their self, I don't even need to reply lets be honest lol.


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    Junior Member
    Mar 2019
    Current In-game Name: H A V O C / Way too hard

    Previous names/Alt accscM, Evolving, Evolve

    Timezone: Gmt + 1

    About yourself: So basically im 22 years of age, living in germany. Im studying while working a job. My name is Dominik / Chris.

    Why Are you interested in joining Clique? Well to be fair im interested in joining Clique because Demoted is appearantly splitting apart, which is fine. It's been a chill time and i'll have a few more friends after creating the team with Cucked/Drip. Now im in for something new and since FI is still trash talking whilst getting 0 Keys i feel like i'd like to show them how good they really are. All they can say is "Max nh me", "5 v 5 us" <- which comes from Alex & Amorphis btw which is funny because even IF we would 5v5 them they wouldn't take part in it because they are basically too bad. LOL. Other then that i'd like to see how a proper PK clan acts / goes out to war. I've never been in a PvP Clan but i'd like to experience that.

    List all people you know in Clique and how long you've known them: I know Tipico / Mess since i pretty much started again playing, so for around 3-4 Months. R0kk4nz for a few weeks since he was in our team and i pked with him. You Sigrid since we fought quite alot of times in general. Shlap since i've went back and forth with him a few times aswell.

    Why should we give you a chance, what do you have to offer?: I think you should give me a chance bc. i hate FI and they are pretty much garbage, especially Amorphis and Alex. Other then that i think i can offer some okay pking skills and semi-good strat/shot-caller.

    As apart of this community, you are expected to maintain a certain level of activity. Are you able maintain activity? I surely can, even tho i do work / Study alot, i usually have quite alot of time left playing Battle-Scape. (big brains y kno). So im pretty active in general, next 3 weeks could be a bit harsh, since i have exams but other then that i should look good on that part.

    Anything else you'd like us to know? Not that im aware of no.

    Having Discord and a mic to communicate is essential, is this a problem? It's not.

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