Quality Over Quantity
A little info about #Clique: Me and Logan 3 weeks ago decided to start team Clique with no expectations, 3 weeks later we're on the rise. We've managed to recruit some great lads and compete In Singles / Multi with odds never being in our favour. Discord is always chill, we have some personality's in here so its often hilarious as well. You won't find toxic behaviour, we look after our own. Don't hesitate to app, even if you think you're not welcome for what ever reason. The slate is clean If you end up a part of our Clique.
Current In-game Name:
Previous names/Alt accs:
About yourself:
Are you interested in joining Clique?
List all people you know in Clique and how long you've known them:
Why should we give you a chance, what do you have to offer?:
As apart of this community, you are expected to maintain a certain level of activity. Are you able maintain activity?
Anything else you'd like us to know?
Having Discord and a mic to communicate is essential, is this a problem?