Weekend events are here! Each weekend you could be taking home some lovely prizes from your activities in game. The events will rotate every weekend with a new event that is announced below taking place, information for these can also be found below, including prizes and the duration of these. You can keep up to date on who's in the lead of each events by visiting the Hiscores (east of home teleport) in game.

PRIZES - 30m OSGP or 100 Bonds

Weekend 1 - Friday February 28th - Sunday March 2nd
Most Skilling XP
We have something nice and laid back for the first weekend this month! The player who gains the most Skilling Experience overall will take home the prize. Skilling Experience can be gained with either the afk gathering skills or through the "buyable" skills. Good Luck!

Weekend 2 - Friday March 7th - Sunday March 9th
Most TOA Drops
Lets get to Tombs of Amascut and start beating up the Warden! The player with the most purples from TOA will be the winner! Good Luck!
Weekend 3 - Friday March 14th - Sunday March 16th
Most Bounty Kills
Get out of your comfort zone and have some fun in the wilderness. The player with the most bounty kills this weekend will win the event!
Weekend 4 - Friday March 21st - Sunday March 23rd
Most Boosted Boss Kills
We have something nice and competitive for the last weekend this month! The player who gets the most boss kills with the boss being boosted, won't only get a chance at a rare unique from the boss but will also take home the prize. The boosted boss changed every 1 hour and can be seen under "events" in the quest tab. Good Luck!
Weekend 5 - Friday March 28th - Sunday March 30th
Most Barrows drops
To round out the final week of the month we have Most Barrows Drops. The player who's name receives the most drops from the barrows brothers will be walking away with the final weekends prize. Good Luck!

Events will run from Friday 08:00 EST - Sunday 20:00 EST each weekend.

For more information please reach out to staff members in game and on discord, prizes and winner announcements will be made on the relevant forums post upon completion of the event, Moderator+ can be contacted about prizes.

Best of luck in this month's events everyone!