
Hardcore Ironman: Attack
Rank Username Level XP
1 Slash n PreyKilled by player HC Lyssa (Level 126)9949,905,849
2 stacking itKilled by player HC Lyssa (Level 126)9934,009,965
3 KegzKilled by player HC Lyssa (Level 126)9922,932,931
4 UpmateKilled by player Staker Aaron (Level 126)9913,980,556
5 CambriaKilled by poison9913,631,273
6 uSitKilled by Zulrah (Level 725)9913,402,795
7 Vividvv9913,310,959
8 LondonKilled by a Hellhound (Level 122)9913,088,808
9 MK7GRKilled by player Kona (Level 126)9913,075,117
10 Main MTRKilled by poison9913,052,500
11 Elmo is EmoKilled by poison9913,037,008
12 xello13Killed by a Warped Jelly (Level 112)9812,668,383
13 Simo017nKilled by Vorkath (Level 732)948,411,658
14 Sara Shaft947,977,798
15 PunHansKilled by unknown916,435,849
16 notdeadyet905,417,725
17 AndroiD RnG905,348,296
18 RichelleKilled by Cerberus (Level 318)853,333,553
19 Naomi832,823,446
20 LynkKilled by an Abyssal demon (Level 124)822,547,239
21 ObitoKilled by a Greater Nechryael (Level 200)802,105,877
22 Trippie ReddKilled by an Elder Chaos druid (Level 129)802,078,164
23 Twisted TeaKilled by a Demonic gorilla (Level 275)802,048,529
24 Commander802,030,328
25 Sabiq802,028,368
26 KilledHim1st801,988,017
27 Lucille791,827,064
28 apes781,712,078
29 Thor781,675,331
30 SoupKilled by poison771,494,104
31 sharter hansKilled by Zulrah (Level 725)761,377,614
32 DHG RavvKilled by a Steel dragon (Level 274)751,272,541
33 Gim Sassy751,215,636
34 CompressKilled by an Iron dragon (Level 215)751,214,225
35 Caught In 4KKilled by player Pikkis (Level 124)751,212,136
36 Yuze751,210,704
37 a hard noobKilled by an Iron dragon (Level 189)73994,738
38 CensorshipKilled by a Verac the Defiled (Level 115)72979,656
39 Zelda71845,576
40 ppl vs ojKilled by a Jungle Demon (Level 195)71841,488
41 GIM LuciferKilled by a Cave horror (Level 80)70801,480
42 Sammy Salads70788,344
43 ExodKilled by an Agrith Naar (hard) (Level 196)70766,080
44 HardestPig70755,960
45 DHG RockyKilled by an Abyssal demon (Level 124)70755,860
46 BelekasKubuKilled by a Cave horror (Level 80)70747,000
47 USillyGoose70746,504
48 383 frogger70744,336
49 Bon JoviKilled by a Karil the Tainted (Level 98)70743,900
50 OhDearU DiedKilled by pickpocketing a Woman70743,293
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